Saturday, January 16, 2010

Can someone help me with aquriring hand controls for my car and repairing my mobile home?

I have only been in a wheelchair for just over a year and am trying to find help in aquiring necessary help in repairing an older model mobile home,as mine is falling apart,and also obtaining hand controls so that I can get out and do things once again.I am 45 and my life has all but stopped since my illness.thank You for reading this.Can someone help me with aquriring hand controls for my car and repairing my mobile home?
My brother became a paraplegic in 1978. I don't remember who we called here in Houston, but it was either someone the doctors recommended, or out of the yellow pages. It really was not a big deal. Small, local contractors for the repair of your home is the best I can think of, unless you can figure out how to get those makeover TV people interested.

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