Monday, January 18, 2010

DJ Scratching: Is it better to use your good hand to control the mixer or the deck?

I'm right handed and I'm struggling to get any speed by using my right hand to manipulate the record - am I supposed to use the right hand on the mixer? Cheers =)DJ Scratching: Is it better to use your good hand to control the mixer or the deck?
think of it as driving a car with manual transmission you turn the wheel with your left even (though your right handed) and you work the gears with your right. your left isn't coordinated enough to move thing to specific points with high speed and precision. DJ Scratching: Is it better to use your good hand to control the mixer or the deck?
im right handed and i use my left hand to controll the record and my right hand for the mixer. seems to work alot better for me. but its always good to be able to use both.
If you want to become a good DJ, you have to become ampidexerious! lol But that's hard and will take a while.

I'm right handed. I used to scratch with the left, use my right on the mixer.
use ya right hand

btw its refreshing to answer a question like this

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