Monday, January 18, 2010

Do you think you hand over control when you go to church?

Do you let others control you if you join a church. Like at first people will be all friendly and stuff, but then they feel entitled to make comments and pass judgement on your lifestyle?Do you think you hand over control when you go to church?
Just like anywhere in life, if you allow people to control you then you will be controlled and trodden on. You will be told what to do and how you should be. Remarks will be made on what you should wear and not wear.

If you are a strong person with a tad of stubborn, you won't allow people to control you or allow the comments they make to conform you, unless they are of good use and you can see a good side to following their suggestions.

I don't feel like I am controlled when I go to church because I don't allow the people in church tell me what to do. I have my relationship with God and has long as I am living how God wants me to live then I don't give to craps about what other people want me to do in Church.Do you think you hand over control when you go to church?
know what you mean so when i used to go to church services before being cast out and marked in 1991 by the worldwide church of god ,for objecting to heresy that eventually led to their apostasy ,i avoided the gossipers that found fault with me or others and just tried to be friendly with those that were interested in discussing biblical matters.

after that i visited many other churches but kept on moving on because just as you say the majority are all into this control of you business when they are not totally obeying the Creator themselves.

ministers are supposed to be helpers of your joy - not taskmasters

2 corinthians 1:24
Naw - I go to church for a little inspiration when I am down and on holidays - with a decent minister - many sermons hit home and provide some comfort and historical education. Church in a building (although I do not attend as much as I probably should) is just like any other gathering. Some will judge, some will not - church is not exempt from human afflictions! I deal with it like I do anywhere else I feel judged - by ignoring it (human judgment - well ok, aside from the judiciary system) is not the judgment I am concerned about. Control does not come into play for me in church.
It depends on what you are talking about here. What kind of lifestyle? As the body of believers, we ARE entitled to judge one another RIGHTEOUSLY. If someone is living a lifestyle not according to God, then we, as believers are suppose to confront that person. If the person is not a member of the body, the we are not to judge, but as long as that person is a member of the church, we are. Jesus said to JUDGE RIGHTEOUSLY, by taking the plank out of our own eye first, THEN we will see to judge righteously. So that is if we ourselves are not guilty of any (unrepentant) wrongdoing or lifestyles ourselves.
Well consider that we never really have control. We do well for a time and then we mess up. No ones perfect right? So no one really has control either. So to answer your question we cannot hand over something we never had to begin with.
Is there something wrong with your lifestyle

I don't understand how people making comments is tantamount to giving up your mind
Anyone accepting membership in a group has de facto accepted judgment by that group and its leaders.
I make every decision about my life on what i believe. Not on what someone else thinks. I ask God for guidenance and i know he will not steer me wrong.
Nope,as far as I'm concern every one has a right to make a decision base on their belief %26amp; faith. there are two way's IN %26amp; OUT, either way who am I to be the Judge?
If someone else had control over me, I don't think I'd fart as often as I do.

Control over to God ? yes
no im paddling my own canoe....quote from a dear friend
I'll never know...

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