Monday, January 18, 2010

Why are the Republicans against birth control and other population controls when ';shortages'; are at hand?

ok jeff im catholic and im not against it.. so if you knew anything about catholicism you would know that its based on your belief, abortion is against the catholic way not birth control..

it is considered to be inhumane, and unsafe.. who is to say that some get the right to live and others dont...

i dont believe that but ya knowWhy are the Republicans against birth control and other population controls when ';shortages'; are at hand?
Why is there this common misconception that Republicans are against birth control? Everyone I know encourages the use of birth control. I'd much rather have people being responsible than wind up getting an abortion. Some of us may not want rubbers handed out in school but that doesn't mean we're against birth control.

By the way, all Republicans aren't Catholic.Why are the Republicans against birth control and other population controls when ';shortages'; are at hand?
Republican or otherwise; birth control and abortion are moral and controversial issues.

I believe most republicans would be satisfied with the taxpayer not being forced to pay the bill, since these issues can't even be agreed on by our best scholars and theologians.
Birth control pills are dangerous and who is to say who gets the right to live or die (population control)? Im not affiliated with any party.
Because it is more effective and humane and practical to address the shortage, remedy the situation.

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