Monday, January 18, 2010

How to control your hand when drawing lines and become less shaky hand?

I have a problem when i draw, my hand becomes shaky especially if i cannot exercise my hand. In the middle of drawing, my hands becomes shaky when drawing curve lines, straight lines. I wonder if the way i hold and grip the pen/pencil could affect when drawing lines but i've tried it and it is still shaky.

Is there something to do with my nerve?or i just need to do more practice?.i will appreciate any help..thanks.. please help me or give me some advices and suggestions what to do.

thank you,

robHow to control your hand when drawing lines and become less shaky hand?
I have a similar problem. My family has a genetic b-vitamin deficiency that causes our hands to shake as we get older. I first started to notice it in my mid-twenties, then it got worse when I turned 30. So, as an artist, I had to figure out a way to get around it.

First, start by not holding the pencil like you're writing, but more like Daniel-san held the paint brushes in Karate Kid. Stand in front of the picture at a nearly right angle and draw from your shoulder without guiding with your wrist. This will work great for your sketch until your arm wants to fall off or you're ready for those details that your shaky hand won't let you do the way you want to.

Since my hand now shakes so much I can't draw a straight line, I will then sit down with the image at a table and place a piece of tracing paper under my wrist so I can use my wrist to steady my hand without smudging the drawing. I usually hold the paper with my left hand so I don't move it around (even the paper can smudge the drawing if it moves too much) and so that I can pick it up and move it around when I need to instead of having to tape and untape it.

I hope you can find an answer through practice, but this what I've come to because no amount of practice will make my hand stop shaking. Good luck!How to control your hand when drawing lines and become less shaky hand?
when you draw you have to use the smallest finger straight to point on it(rest on it) on the paper you draw on or the canvas you draw on..all artists do this

I mean your fingers must be opened also
Are you keeping your wrist still and drawing from the shoulder? Why not? That's how you get the best lines.

It's tough. It takes practice, and of course you'll get tired. But that's what you have to do.
It is all about practice. Like riding bikes and running. The more you do it the easier it gets. Also building up strength with a squeeze ball helps.
no more masturbation.

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