Monday, January 18, 2010

What is your opinion on where Obama stands on gun control, mainly hand guns?

He hasn't said much on this subject but he did say he was not a friend of the NRA. OK. Some time ago he also had his Signature on a paper stating that he was against the ownership of hand guns, but that is about it. Of course is spokesperson is saying it isn't true, but really can't defend the fact that he did have his Signature on this anti hand gun paper. Does this matter to you?What is your opinion on where Obama stands on gun control, mainly hand guns?
I believe his position now is he wants it to be a state decision, whether hand guns should be legal or not. I guess this is his compromise... for states like New york and California, in which there's big city hand gun crime, he wants them to be empowered to restrict hand gun sales, but a state like Montana which doesn't see the same problems... should be able to make a different decision.

Now whether you take him at his word, is up to you. And no, it doesn't really matter to me. I'm not a fan of hand guns.What is your opinion on where Obama stands on gun control, mainly hand guns?
There are a lot of rumors spilling around about Obama's stance on gun control. The fact of the matter is, Obama isn't completely against our 2nd Amendment right, he just thinks there needs to be more control in the matter, and I happen to agree with that

and here are the facts...

Ok for states %26amp; cities to determine local gun laws. (Apr 2008)

Provide some common-sense enforcement on gun licensing. (Jan 2008)

2000: cosponsored bill to limit purchases to 1 gun per month. (Oct 2007)

Concealed carry OK for retired police officers. (Aug 2007)

Stop unscrupulous gun dealers dumping guns in cities. (Jul 2007)

Keep guns out of inner cities--but also problem of morality. (Oct 2006)

Voted NO on prohibiting lawsuits against gun manufacturers. (Jul 2005)
';The bottom line is this. If you’ve got a rifle, you’ve got a shotgun, you’ve got a gun in your house, I’m not taking it away,'; Obama said earlier this month in Pennsylvania. ';Alright? So they can keep on talking about it, but this is just not true.';

I'm a life member of the NRA and wish I wasn't. Wayne La Pierre and Chris Cox have turned it into a wholly owned subsidiary of the RNC. First Freedom magazine is full of Republican hit pieces that have nothing to do with 2nd amendment rights. It's become a Republican PAC staffed by GOP insiders to promote GOP rule and it should quit pretending it exists for any other purpose.
He has clearly said in his campaign speeches that he believes guns belong to hunters and that is it. That is the only way you will be able to own a gun in the US if he is elected is when you check it out of a hunting lodge.

Meanwhile, the Mob, criminals and terrorists will still have access to military style weapons. Good luck in protecting yourselves.
Obama is against guns, he has said it many times in the past. I don't own a gun but I support the right to ';bear arms'; in this country. Gun control in this country would work as well as prohibition on liquor worked.
He is against anyone owning a hand gun for personal safety and I disagree with him 100%!
He's a hypocrite.

Hates guns - Loves Abortion.
He would like to disarm the US that way when he declares himself dictator for life we will have no guns to fight back with.
He's not a friend of mine, I guess.
its fine as long as its people from chicage but the rest have to give it up lol
if what you say is true the I agree with him 100%
He needs to go back to Law School and make sure that he does not call in sick on the day they talk about the Bill of Rights; Mainly the 2nd Amendment.

Facts about Obama.

FACT: Barack Obama voted to allow reckless lawsuits designed to bankrupt the firearms industry.1

FACT: Barack Obama wants to re-impose the failed and discredited Clinton Gun Ban.2

FACT: Barack Obama voted to ban almost all rifle ammunition commonly used for hunting and sport shooting.3

FACT: Barack Obama has endorsed a complete ban on handgun ownership.2

FACT: Barack Obama supports local gun bans in Chicago, Washington, D.C., and other cities.4

FACT: Barack Obama voted to uphold local gun bans and the criminal prosecution of people who use firearms in self-defense.5

FACT: Barack Obama supports gun owner licensing and gun registration.6

FACT: Barack Obama refused to sign a friend-of-the-court Brief in support of individual Second Amendment rights in the Heller case.

FACT: Barack Obama opposes Right to Carry laws.7

FACT: Barack Obama was a member of the Board of Directors of the Joyce Foundation, the leading source of funds for anti-gun organizations and “research.”8

FACT: Barack Obama supported a proposal to ban gun stores within 5 miles of a school or park, which would eliminate almost every gun store in America.9

FACT: Barack Obama voted not to notify gun owners when the state of Illinois did records searches on them.10

FACT: Barack Obama voted against a measure to lower the Firearms Owners Identification card age minimum from 21 to 18, a measure designed to assist young people in the military.11

FACT: Barack Obama favors a ban on standard capacity magazines.12

FACT: Barack Obama supports mandatory micro-stamping.13

FACT: Barack Obama supports mandatory waiting periods.2

FACT: Barack Obama supports repeal of the Tiahrt Amendment, which prohibits information on gun traces collected by the BATFE from being used in reckless lawsuits against firearm dealers and manufacturers.14

FACT: Barack Obama supports one-gun-a-month sales restrictions.9

FACT: Barack Obama supports a ban on inexpensive handguns.9

FACT: Barack Obama supports a ban on the resale of police issued firearms, even if the money is going to police departments for replacement equipment.9

FACT: Barack Obama supports mandatory firearm training requirements for all gun owners and a ban on gun ownership for persons under the age of 21.9…

He would be the first to sell this country and its history to the UN.…
Here is his position,

[edit] Gun control

As a state legislator in Illinois, Obama supported banning the sale or transfer of all forms of semi-automatic firearms, increasing state restrictions on the purchase and possession of firearms and requiring manufacturers to provide child-safety locks with firearms.[218]

When queried by a Chicago nonprofit, Independent Voters of Illinois, regarding certain firearms issues in a 1996 political questionnaire (filed during Obama's run for the Illinois State Senate), Obama's questionnaire showed the declaration that he supported a ban on the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns. Subsequent to that, he denied that his writing was on the document and said that he never favored a ban on the sale and possession of handguns.[219][220] In 1999, he urged for prohibiting the operation of any gun store within five miles of a school or park, which according to gun-rights advocates would eliminate gun stores from most of the inhabited portion of the United States.[221] He sponsored a bill in 2000 limiting handgun purchases to one per month.

As state senator, he voted against a 2004 measure that allowed self-defense as an affirmative defense to those charged with violating local laws making it otherwise unlawful for such persons to possess firearms.[222] He also voted against allowing persons who had obtained domestic violence protective orders to carry handguns for their protection.[221]

From 1994 through 2002, Obama was a board member of the Joyce Foundation, which amongst other non-gun related activities provides funds for gun control organizations in the United States.[223][224]

While in the US Senate, Obama has supported several gun control measures, including restricting the purchase of firearms at gun shows and the reauthorization of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban.[225] Obama voted against legislation protecting firearm manufacturers from certain liability suits, which gun-rights advocates say are designed to bankrupt the firearms industry.[226] Obama did vote in favor of the 2006 Vitter Amendment to prohibit the confiscation of lawful firearms during an emergency or major disaster, which passed 84-16.[227]

During a February 15, 2008 press conference, Obama stated, ';I think there is an individual right to bear arms, but it's subject to commonsense regulation.';[228] Obama has also stated his opposition to allowing citizens to carry concealed firearms[229] and supports a national law outlawing the practice.[230][231]

Obama is rated F by the National Rifle Association.[citation needed] The NRA describes the recipient of its F grade as a ';true enemy of gun owners’ rights.';[232] He is also rated F by Gun Owners of America[233] who stated that Obama will ';Get the Dems 'Barack' into the Business of Gun Control';.[234]

Obama initially voiced support of Washington DC's handgun ban. Following the Supreme Court decision on the ban, he voiced support of the decision overturning the law, saying, ';Today's decision reinforces that if we act responsibly, we can both protect the constitutional right to bear arms and keep our communities and our children safe.'; [235…

BUSH is against abortion that hasn't brought a stop to THAT !!

Obama's personal opinion on gun ownership is his right as a citizen

he can NOT change the minds of the MANY in this country that feel it is their right to own handguns


He will NOT try

Here if it keeps Big Dick from shooting another old guy Im all for it

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