Monday, January 18, 2010

What do you think about middle schools wanting to hand out birth control?

I wasn't sure why but I asked my grandfather and he said because the new trend was that preteens and young teens are starting to get pregnant more often. Do you agree or have a different opinion. I think that it's too young unless the parent really askes for it. Sides most kids in my schoo when we were in middle school were too busy with sports, homework, etc to think about sex so that's why.What do you think about middle schools wanting to hand out birth control?
That's absurd! It's like telling kids that it's ok. People should just teach they're children not to do things like that, pray about it, and not sleep around themselves. When my son starts school and they try to do that then I'll make him switch schools.What do you think about middle schools wanting to hand out birth control?
I agree that abstinence should be taught, but let's face it--how many teenagers practice that? I also agree that 12 and 13 is too young, but I went to high school with a girl who got pregnant at 12, had her baby at 13. Just because we think they are too young doesn't mean they aren't having sex. Our children need to be informed of all their options including safe sex and birth control because if they want to have sex then they are going to regardless. 2 kids were found having sex in my jr. high gym. A more informed child is more likely to make better decisions. Yeah it should be left up to the parent, but how many parents don't even teach their children about sex much less safe sex/birth control? Would you want your 12 year old daughter to come home pregnant just because you thought she was too young to talk to her or because she felt like she couldn't talk to you about it? I wouldn't! Although I would prefer my child come to me about something like that, incase she doesn't feel she can, I'd like her to be able to go somewhere to get the protection she'd need instead of not getting it because she was afraid to tell me.
Most of the answers here are ridicullous. We dont tell kids is ok to have sex, we tell them its not ok, giving them birth controll tells them its NOT OK by sending the message that they wont get the results of sex anyway, and besides, even if you dont tell children anything at all about sez, they will have sex. Now which do you want, a 12 yr old that knows all about sex and how to be safe, or a pregnant 12 year old. The choice is the adults, because that 12 yr old is going to have sex either way.
It is not the school's place to hand out condoms or birth control pills. The educational system has been trying to over-rule parents' ability to raise their children for some time. I am not an advocate for homechool because I see benefits to public/private schools. However, schools need to quit trying to be parents and simply teach and let parents parent!

EDIT: So did we all get ';thumbs down'; for saying that schools shouldn't hand out condoms? Did some horny preteen come along and think that we are all wrong?

Schools are to EDUCATE children, not RAISE them. Giving out condoms is not a form of education. It is a lazy man's way of trying to prevent teenagers from getting pregnant, but in the process sends a message of condoning premarital sex of minors. If kids want condoms or even birth control pills, they can go to the health department. Schools should educate students on the dangers of premarital sex and how to be safe (somewhat), but not hand out condoms. Would you like schools to hand out clean syringes to students? If kids are gonna try drugs, then you might as well make sure that they use clean needles so they dont spread sickesses or infections, right? Can you see the absurdity of handing out condoms?
I think it's crazy. By offering birth control - it's giving an easy way to have sex. Honestly middle school??? It's insane to think young girls, just starting to get their period - having sex. Whoa!
well the school is just saving their hides. If they didn't pass it out and say a child has sex and ends up with a disease or something the parents can come back and sue the school if the only thing the school practices is abstinence and nothing else. But, all the school has to do from not being sued is talk to the kids and tell them that abstinence is the best thing but if your going to have sex be safe use condoms consult a doctor, talk to a parent, an adult someone. and leave it up to the parent to make sure the kids have the items they need. I think if the school gave my daughter or son condoms I would be upset too. but I would hope the school would send notes out to the parents saying that they are going to do it so we can talk with our kids first. Or at least let us the parents go to the school the same day they talked so we can answer our children's questions and to make us apart of the situation. Also these days kids are having sex younger and younger.
i think they are out of line
OH HELL NAW!!! If i want my child on that then I will take her myself.
They have to notify the student's parents. It's not like they can just go in and get iut. Unfortunately too many pre-teens are out having sex. It would be better if they would just ask their parents or parents would talk to their kids about sex.
I find it ironic that the schools refuse to give a kid an aspirin without parental consent but feel its ok to give out birth control pills. As long as I am responsible for my own child and clothe, feed and house my child, the schools have no business getting involved. They don't pay for the medical insurance and are not responsible for the child's overall health including mental health.

It is also my job to parent my child, not the schools.
I think it's fine. You are not going to stop them from having sex anyway, so it's much better if they are going to have sex they are responsible about it. I'm 31 now, and I was active at that age also, so it's nothing new. It's far better they use protection, then do it with no protection and have teen pregnancies and get an STD.
it is so sad we are no longer discouraging sex. We are encouraging and supporting it. When we were growing up abstinence was the best way to prevent. because of this problem and the morals of public school and the attitude of some private schools we have chosen to home school our kids. I think it has a big part to do with fathers... Why are these kids having sex? They need attention from a man and think that is the only way to get it. They should be at home with their family not in a car or at their boyfriends house at the young age of 13
I didn't have to take B/C in middle school or high school, my parents openly talked with me about things and I just respected them enough to not do it. I wasn't afraid of them. I was afraid of letting them down. Parents should talk with their kids more.... Not let schools do it for them... They can't get that one on one talk that parents can give them through the schools.
middle school is a bit young, one of my kids entered early at 9 years old, it just seems wrong to put a 9 year old on BC
I think it's bad. Even if they are given protection, it doesn't make it anymore right. Middle schoolers should NOT be having sex at all. It's like telling the kids, ';You can do anytime you want with whoever, here just take the protection.'; They don't tell kids the consequences of having sex.
It's such a double-edged sword. You'd hope that parents would have an open honest relationship with their kids so that they wouldn't have to get birth control at that age or at school. On the other hand, it's probably the parents that don't have that open relationship that have twelve year old children looking for affection somewhere else. I personally would like to not support some twelve year old's baby via my taxes and think that making b.c. available somewhere accessible is not so bad.
I totally oppose this idea. I cant even bleieve that people would suggest that. I have a son in jr high and another in high school, there doesnt see to be a huge problem of girls getting pregnant at their schools. Maybe if parents told their kids how important it is to either wait or explain the birth control to them then the schools wouldnt need to suggest this.
Ok... this is so debatable and a very sensitive subject for many people. I think that there are pros and cons to it... if teenagers are able to get birth control then it does feel like we are condoning them to have sex at an early age, however, those same kids that want the birth control are the ones that are already either having sex or want to. So what is right? Do we give them the birth control to prevent them from having children at an early age or do we not. The bottom line here is that if they want to be having sex we cannot stop them, they will do it and the more that we try to tell them it is wrong and show them that we disapprove the more they are going to want to do it. As much as I do not want to be for it, I am. Think about it parents... when you were a teenager what were you doing?!? Wouldn't you rather your parents be protected against pregnancy than coming home at 14 and giving you the bad news, worse yet running away or trying to do some homemade abortion because they are scared to tell you the truth. I say go for it, give them birth control. The alternatives are far worse than protecting them against having a baby.

Just my opinion.
I think that until parents can take responsibility for knowing where there kids are and that they are supervised and teach their children to be honest someone has to take control and if it won't be the parent than more power to the school. It's not easy to set down values, talk to your kids about sex and honesty but its even harder to raise your grand kids b/c you didn't do it or watch your child fight some STD b/c they didn't behave responsibly.

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