Monday, January 18, 2010

Looking for hand controls for my car due to broken ankle?

6 weeks ago I broke my right ankle, I expected a quick heal but it's got a little complicated. I've had 1 operation %26amp; may need another. In that time I've been sat at home while my car has sat outside un-used. I want to return to work to do light duties (sitting at a computer) but it's 20 miles away %26amp; I need my car to get there. I can use the clutch ok but not the brake %26amp; accelerator. I have been in touch with a disabled car convertor who said they could do hand controls for my car at a cost of 拢450 incl VAT. It sounds a lot for what may only be a few weeks / couple of months but I'm going mad being at home %26amp; need to get out %26amp; about so it would be worth it to me. Anybody know if / where I can get a brake / accellerator hand control fitted for better than 拢450? The car is manual gears and quite new 06 reg.

Thanks for your help.Looking for hand controls for my car due to broken ankle?
Well say someone found a place that did it for 拢400, would that be OK? Or are you hoping that someone is going to say they can do it for 50p?

It's not going to happen, sorry.

Don't you have any friends at work who can pick you up and drop you?Looking for hand controls for my car due to broken ankle?
cant you do the computer work from home????? just a thought.
Fitting hand controls to a car is fairly complicated, and 拢450 seems pretty reasonable. If you did find some cowboy to do it for 拢200, would you be absolutely SURE the brakes would work when you needed them? Also it takes quite a while to acclimatise to hand controls, you'd certainly need to advise your insurance company. Sorry, but I don't see an easy way round this, if you're expecting to be laid up for 6 months, I'd bite the bullet %26amp; get them fitted, otherwise, as someone else suggested, could you not work from home on your PC?
I appreciate your frustration, having been in a similar situation for quite a while. There's no temporary ';quick-fix';, I'm afraid, the fitting of hand controls is quite involved and needs to be done properly, for obvious reasons.

You might have to do what I did, which is resign yourself to public transport, if there is any . . .

Hope you're mobile again soon.
If you live anywhere near N.E. England try Hankins Garages in Darlington on 01325 465530, they specialise in fitting this sort of thing.
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