Saturday, January 16, 2010

Should we hand control of our entire economy over to Obama?

Times are tough and Obama is promising more gov't regulation over our economy. Isn't that a good thing? Doesn't Obama know what's best for us? Should we hand control of our entire economy over to Obama?
Yes we should and the sooner the better..We handed TOTAL power over to Bush in the year 2000 along with his Republican cronies,,and look what they did to 'America and its citizens..And Since Congress addresses all issues first,, How could HE do any worse..They had 6 years of total power,and used it to put us in a wrong war (IRAQ) 500billion dollar debt factor,,and 10Billion more every month,,and the economy,well don't get me started.. So you maybe want the alternative?? McCain Palin..Let see,,Republicans,,Corporation backed,,Voted with Bush 95 percent of the time,,Loves the war,Thinks the economy is basically sound,,(HUH?) but admits he's not to up on the economy..More 47million Americans without health care,,and unemployment at 6.1percent,,but says he'll expose the ';ear markers';!! Remember ITS OVER,and I';ll tell them,,I'll name names.. ITs over alright,, the money is all but gone to ball out all the Big Business Failures..So yeah,, give it to OBAMA ,,we're already going down the toilet as it is,,I think the best McCain can do is show us why his arms don't go all the way up,,and show us war films of how he got them that way.. Sorry,,already seen MUCH TOO MUCH of that already.. I'm beginning to feel like I shared it with him !! L HShould we hand control of our entire economy over to Obama?
I don't trust his judgement.

Obama backers were behind the mortgage industry meltdown.

Barack Obama is faking outrage over all the bankruptcies and bailouts, he doesn't mention that a number of his top ten contributors are from Wall Street, including Goldman Sacs, Lehman and the JP Morgan Chase. He also fails to mention that one of the first subprime lenders to stick it to borrowers and have her bank seized is a woman named Penny Pritzker, who just happens to be Barack Obama's campaign Finance Chair (as confirmed on April 3, 2008) and a potential Secretary of the Treasury in an Obama administration.鈥?/a>
We don't turn everything over to the President, Congress must approve his Budget. One thing for sure, if you check the History of America, you will find, Economy was best with a Democrat Admin. Look at the economy of Bill Clinton, (after Bush #1) 8 years of Economic expansion, best in the History of the U.S, left the Nation debt free for the first time since 1835, a Surplus for the first time since 1969.鈥?/a>

Now take a look at Republican Admin of George Bush #2, note the loss of jobs and the falling economy, 6 years of Republican Congress. Will leave the Country with a broken economy and deep in Debt! The worse economy in 50 years.鈥?/a>
Seeing how he graduated at the top of his class from Harvard Law School I would definately trust him more than McCain.

McCain is going to give the corporations a tax cut from 35% to 25%.

Obama is going to tax those who make $250,000 or more and give a tax cut to those who make less. McCain is not.

More of the same hell no!!! Unemployment is high, oil is high, mortgage foreclosures are at the highest level, the deficit went from a balanced budget to trillions in debt.

That is 8 years of republicans in charge. I WANT CHANGE and McCain is a republican HE IS NOT CHANGE. The only change is the name!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you serious, when you have tried everything else and it has failed you try God...or in this case try Obama, im not saying he is God, but he is obvioulsy the only choice that will work
Are you suggesting that the 2/3 of Americans without health insurance shouldn't recieve it?

Other than that, we're not handing anything over.

Well times are tough and Barack Obama can make them a lot better so, if you want a real change vote for the Democrats if you want more of the same old stuff vote Republican.
Hand everything over to Obama, there is no way in hell he could be worse than Bush.
Um....technically, you hand that over to Congress, not to the President.
No one gets complete control of anything in US government that is why there is a system of checks and balances.
After team Bush I'm ready to hand it over to Lindsay Lohan.

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