Monday, January 18, 2010

Should we hand control of society over to scientists and engineers?

seems like these are the only people logical enough to create a peaceful, stable, prosperous society based on the scientific method and investigative reasoning, in contrast to the emotional, socialistic bullshit society in which we currently reside.Should we hand control of society over to scientists and engineers?
There is a chasm between the ability to adequately run a political office and the ability to be elected. In order to be elected you must first cater to the majority of the population. The majority of the population is incredibly stupid.

The discovery of nuclear energy was not bad by any means. The nuclear weapon has proven to be an astonishing and valuable accomplishment by the United States, and the courage required to use it should be applauded. Keep in mind that the nuclear capability of the United States ended a war which already consumed the lives of an estimated 30 million people. Bravo.Should we hand control of society over to scientists and engineers?
We've had two engineers as president. Hoover and Carter. I think it is fair to say neither did very well.

Carter was very bad at getting lost in the details of things and trying to use logic to deal with Congress. That is not a smart way to run a country.
Sounds good, but I think just engineers and not scientists, because you never hear about ';mad engineers.';
Nope, thats why we have checks and balances. Don't always work perfectly, but its better than the alternative. I agree about the mad scientists. We dont need any of that
I'm a chemist and i would say no...Not all science results in a peaceful and stable society. Scientist developed nuclear power (GOOD), which then they developed into the nuclear bomb(BAD). SO with almost every good thing developed someone will find a harmful way to use it. I think it is best to have all types of people contribute to society. No one group or person can be smart enough to know everything.
Do you really believe all scientists and engineers are unemotional and conservative? They're not Vulcans you know. They'd make just as big a mess of things as anyone else.
did someone say you can't run a country using logic?

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