Friday, January 22, 2010

Does the Pope has a controlling hand over the government of the world and the Vatican?

Is he very powerful? How much is his power around the world?Does the Pope has a controlling hand over the government of the world and the Vatican?
They don't have such a controlling hand over the governance of the world as they used to. They do still exert some influence in countries where Catholicism is the state religion and to some degree in the UN where they have special status due to the Vatican being a sovereign city. I live in a country where Catholicism is a state religion. There is a mandatory tithe or ';church tax'; taken from your income to go to the church. They can sue you for nonpayment. There is a small minimum of 1% of your income that is absolutely ';required'; but someone has already contacted my husband about increasing his support. You have to put in writing in a municipal government office that you are leaving the church to get out of paying it and depending on your career and how influenced that is you can have problems. My husband works with the military in both the US and here. Here the military is heavily dominated by the Catholic political party. It wouldn't be career smart to openly disaffliliate yourself with the church. There is strong incentive to not dissent the religious wing in order to have group support. This is pretty much how religion and really any group gets and holds power.Does the Pope has a controlling hand over the government of the world and the Vatican?
Pope is the religious symbol of Catholics. He does not have any real powers.
During much of the Roman Empire, the popes pretty much ruled the entire settled world.
the Pope can't even control his own priest-class, he has no power over any governments
Yes infinity times. If you were here in Italy that would come to sense more. They believe the pope to be falliable, but they don't admit that. They say his teachings are, but if his teachings are than that must mean those teachings came from him making him that status duh! That is what I have been told by my catholic friend once.
Wow, has everybody been drinking moonshine today?????
Yes, insofar as he outlines the substance of the Christian faith for every Catholic in the world. This gives him an unparalleled authority over the definitions of ';right'; and ';wrong'; in the world.

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