Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hand gun control should it be increased or decreased? Why?

The only effective gun control legislation would be a requirement that a person receive instruction in the use, maintenance and storage of a hand gun. It won't help you if you fire at a burglar and it explodes in your hand because you haven't cleaned it, and it will only increase public misunderstanding if your neighbor's kid kills himself.Hand gun control should it be increased or decreased? Why?
Gun control simply does not work. States like NY, Ca, and DC have had some seriously strict gun control laws for a long time. The crime rates there are very high and climbing. States with out gun control have lower crime rates. States with ';shall issue'; CCW see huge drops in crime as soon as the laws pass and people get permits.

When criminals do not know is armed, everyone is safer.Hand gun control should it be increased or decreased? Why?
When there is a sufficient amount of handgun control, the rate of crime committed with handguns goes down. It only works to a certain point then you are throwing good money on bad programs...kind of like the handgun registry in Canada...criminals don't register their handguns. They spent millions of dollars going after law abiding citizens, and creating a huge expensive to maintain bureaucracy.

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