Friday, May 14, 2010

Do you control life in your hands or is it a GOD thing?

i feel like religion control your mind too much .

I believe that their is God though and it seem to me that i dont know anything about him.

Open minded answers. Dont just quote bible scripture or tell me God doesnt exist that not what im looking for.Do you control life in your hands or is it a GOD thing?
life is in our handsDo you control life in your hands or is it a GOD thing?
It's in God's hands. He is in control of our destiny. There are many things in thie life that we cannot count on, but on Jesus Christ you can depend. Just turn your heart over to him and let him have 'control';. You will then find the true joy that one finds only through Jesus Christ!
What are you looking for, then? You believe there is a god but you don't know anything about him. What do you believe there is, then?

Girls I need your opinion? What does this make me? Am I out of hand? Should I be more controlled?

I'm a teenager and I've been worried that I've been getting out of control. I love dares and so I made this video which my friends put on youtube (part of the dare).

My best friend though says that I'm becoming a slut, yet she made a video too!

Am I a slut? Wouldn't she be one too then though? Also, if we are out of control, who do you think is more out of control? Girls only please! I don't want any guys to see this, because that would be totally EMBARRASSING!!!!!Girls I need your opinion? What does this make me? Am I out of hand? Should I be more controlled?
First of all you can't control who answers, and certainly not who sees the video. Are you a slut or out of control? We can't know, but you certainly seem to crave attention. For one thing YA probably has 25 million viewers and youTube, as many or more.

Whatever your motives at least you posted it in adult. beyond that, big sigh.


Added thought. It looks like she has a bit more flash and her taste in music is better, and she can kind of sing.Girls I need your opinion? What does this make me? Am I out of hand? Should I be more controlled?
You are a slut. Sorry to break it to you. (Your friend, however is more of one)

But seriously, all those comments are made by young boys wanting action, or old perves wanting little girls.

Sure, i'm probably your age too, but come on, do you really need to make a video showing your ';booty dance';. I would never ever do that, maybe infront of someone i love, but not the entire world. Think before you do something like this next time.. And trust me, i am not trying to be rude, i understand where you are coming from.'re going to put this on Youtube so old pervs can watch it also? Have fun with that.

I have a kid of 4yrs old. i need to control her is always her wants be the upper hand .she is bossy?

she tells us how to speak to her .I have a kid of 4yrs old. i need to control her is always her wants be the upper hand .she is bossy?
She is behaving normally for a 4-year. It is your reaction and handling of these sorts of normal behaviours that will help to shape who she becomes as she matures.

Since there are many, many strategies and nuances for dealing with this sort of parenting situation, I would strongly recommend that you buy or borrow and read: ';The Defiant Child: A Parent's Guide to Oppositional Defiant Disorder';.

This book is absolutely outstanding for handling defiance in children - even if it is not a disorder but just a stage of development for your little one (like, most likely, in your instance).

In the meantime, exercise patience, consistency and always remember that you can parent her and teach without hitting her.


Hitting your child for experiencing a stage of normal development, starving her, grounding her (she's 4!) or depriving her ... or any of the myriad of ludicrous advice left here by people who either don't have children or should never had had children, are all bad ideas and potentially damaging especially without some close-to-reasonable parenting skills and a plan. This is up to you - the adult - to fix, not up to a 4-year old.

Please don't hit your 4-year old for simply being 4!I have a kid of 4yrs old. i need to control her is always her wants be the upper hand .she is bossy?
I have an almost-four year old daughter. I think it must be the age-they want to be the Alpha Female in the house or something. For the attitude and mouthing-off, spankings don't work for my daughter. I've tried- it didn't accomplish anything. I took away toys, treats, privileges, etc. I told her in a firm voice that she must use her manners, and when she doesn't, she loses her toy or getting to go outside that day or watching Clifford- something that means something to her. She also has to lay in the bed alone for 5-10 minutes everytime she mouths off. I also try to ';catch'; her doing good and being polite. Sticker reward charts motivate her to do good. I guess it's just seeing the evidence that she's been well-behaved helps her.

Also, (and I thought my mom was crazy when she first told me this), pay attention to how you speak to your daughter. I've noticed that my daughter is often repeating the phrases- or especially tone of voice- that I use with her when I'm disciplining her. It's not ok, but sometimes kids are just honestly mimicking what they hear. So, it may just be a thing of her copying what you say and not realizing that you're the parent, she's the child. You just have to teach her that it's not ok.
If your child bad mouths you. You need to nip that in the bud fast and quickly. as that child will become worse when she gets older OK?

You need to tell her NO and mean it. If she wants something you don't want her to have. If she misbehaves and tells you off time to tell her don't talk to me this way I am your mom or dad. Whoever is talking to her. If she persists on acting bad mouthed. Then a good spanking is necessary. And then sent her to her room and tell her to stay there until You say she can come out. If she comes out of the room tell her to march back in that room Now or you will get another spanking. Show you mean Business. A going to her bedroom when she is bad.. tell her she needs time out.. and that is one way she will learn you mean business and not fooling around.

Spanking is one thing. And it helps displicine the child. But beating is different. As there is a difference between beating and spanking. As one is not abusing the situation where one is. And spanking is not abusing any situation but correcting her /him to behave and act right.

Another idea.. is start taking things away she loves to play with. Put it in a box and somewhere she can't find it. she will get the hint.. she will not have that item until she starts behaving.

If you go to the store and she wants something.. tell her straight out NO!!! say when I see some improvements of you behaving.. maybe then I will start buying you things.

If she was my child. She would not have that attitude long. As she would not get nothing from me.. and get a spankings a lot. My parents were brought up the old ways.. and brought me up the old fashion ways. I had a old thick ruler and willow tree switch used on me. And even one of those old barber straps too. and I only got it when I was bad too. Not to often I misbehaved after a few treatments of those. Ouch!!! they sure did hurt. My pride was hurt and mostly feelings.

And no special treats until she /he shows that they earned that right also. An no going over to play other kids until she learns respecting Dad and Mom either. she can be grounded from activities until she behaves herself.

And if she gives you this crap about Child Protective Service crap. Then tell her ..if she wants to go somewhere else or to adoptive place where she will not be treated right there.. go right ahead.

And if she does do that.. the Child Protective Service crap. Start buying her hand me downs. None of these better things she may have. Like clothes or shoes.. etc. Go to dollar store or something like that. Or walmart. Something less expensive. And when she ask for something better say nope. I may have to buy you things but I do not have to give you things you want. And clothes. Tell her/him if she wants to have her/him

clothes clean. Better behave.. or they will not be done. And food. Give her the things you want her to have.. not the things she /he wants. Always solutions behind those kids who act naughty. And just remember December is coming soon. Maybe Santa Claus will not give her nothing for presents .. and give her a piece of black coal this year huh?? Hope these options helped you. I think this year No presents this year I think for her Christmas. She /he does not deserve it one bit. I may seem tough. But you have to OK? Even if she misbehaves those options any way will help the situation if Child protection services are not a option. Good luck!! Know you will need it.
Set down rules and consequences and BE CONSISTENT. Try to keep them simple and make sure the consequences are easy for you to implement so you are not punishing yourself.

Make absolutely certain that you NEVER lose your own temper when dealing with her. Showing her that losing your temper is a way to act will validate her current misbehavior.
i'm shocked that so many people are resorting to spanking. i use 1,2,3 Magic and it is magic. there's a book that explains that process and it's extremely effective. i have 3 kids all 4 and under and it works.

count 1 - warning

count 2 - warning

count 3 - timeout (1 minutes for each year of age) i set a timer and my kids turn it off when the timeout is over. even my 2 year old does this. the first time may be difficult. you can put her in her room and hold the door shut. trust me, she won't like it. also, don't talk to the child while they are on timeout. just ignore them - no matter how loud they get. kids hate being ignored.

Your the boss!!!! You need to let her know that! I don't believe in hitting...but maybe punishing. So if she/he doesn't listen, send her/him to her/his room, and if she/he still does not listen just start putting up his/her favorite toys and keeping them until the child decides that they are going to listen.

It is normal for a child to be bossy! All children think that they are right no matter what. You just have to think of a way to show them that it is ok to be wrong. Idk how you would do that but I hope this helps! :)
Four year olds tend toward bossiness. A lot of it is control. You can try go give her more control by offering her two acceptable alternatives when possible (i.e., would you like green beans or carrots with lunch/do you want to wear a red skirt or a yellow dress). That way, she feels like she's getting some control over the way things are.

That said, you are the adult. Don't let her tell you what to do. I don't respond when I don't like the way kids talk to me. They've learned to ask for things rather than tell me because otherwise they get no response.
I have a 3 year old brother and I mostly take care of him. To be a good parent always try to be patient. Give her treats if she behaves and tell her what she did wrong after she calms down. If you try to argue the it only can get worse.....believe me! Tell her which role she has to play and which role you have. Always talk with a firm voice and never will show her your weakness. If she still is rude, give her a time-out of 3 1/2 min, but no longer because she won't care after a period. It is very important to be good friends with your chil, so go to the park or play with her. It will help your relation. I hope that this will help you.
I have 2 daughters. What you have to do is when she gets out of control, you have to warn her that you are going to spank her if she doesnt listen. then, when you spank her, you have to make it sting really bad. trust me. she wont act up for a a while, then she will test you again within a week. you need to do the same thing again. remember, it has to sting or your wasting your time. she will listen. trust me, it works. make it sting.
just ignore her when she's in her 'mood' once she gets to see that her little attitude isn't getting her anywhere, she'll be a bit nicer. but maker her KNOW that YOU are the decision maker. YOU are the parent.. you are letting your child parent you while doing these things. that is NOT a good thing....once you let her walk over you, and do it agian, she'll figure out how to keep doing it...and eventually you will have no say at all because she'll have been doing this for so long, that she doesn't care what you think about what she does. you need to take charge of her immediately. if she needs a spanking, do it! put her in time out. when she starts getting into a tantrum (if you can tell when its coming on.) make her sit on the couch, no TV, radio-NOTHING. and do NOT let her get up until she knows that she will be able to behave more calmly. stick her nose in a corner until she learns that what she's doing isn't acceptable. you have to find whats right for her punishment. she's your child, you need to take charge.

This may sound stupid, but watch super nanny, it may sound silly but just try. You have to be consistent in whatever you do. For example if you say she's in time out, leave her in time out and make sure she stays there, then when she's out of time out make sure she knows why she was there. When your disicplining her get down to her level to talk to her. Just some tips
when she does that keel down to her level and firmly explain to her that you are the parent and the Adult in the house and that she can't be tell you how to speak to her and that she needs to respect you and listen to what ever you say and not to tell you haw she wants things and that she has to remember to behave herself and she can't rule you and that she has to do what you tell her to do if she doesn't listen to you give her two warnings the first time she doesn't listen to you let her know that she won't be able to play if you have to remind her put her in time out for five minutes when you take her to time out explain to her what she did wrong and then walk away from her then when her five minutes are up go to her and explain to her again what she did wrong and warn her that if she does again she'll have to go in bed until she is ready to listen to you and follow your directions
will this kind of behaviour is common in kids so nothing to worry but ya u have to controlle this coz otherwise it can ber permanent behaviour. u can tell her this kind of behaviour is not accepted in the society.

dont encourage her behaviou.

if u will call her bossy in front of her it will encourage her to be more bossy. and one more thing never say ur child is bossy to other kids or ppl, coz then those ppl wl start calling her bossy (may be in front of u or may be ehind ur back) this will result in dangerour behaviour.

(if u have other kids then u can tell them to say no to her behaviour n report this thing to u).

try n ignore her behaviou coz children do this to get attention. pay more attention to her in general not wen she is acting bossy. if she acts bossy just make a small good excuse that u will listen to her, tell this excuse very politely to her n then pretend to forget to talk. asnwer her right away wen she ask thing in polite n gud manner.

then explain her that if ur way of telling and acting will be gud we wl answer ur questions very fast.

all this thing u have to do politely coz beating can do nothing except damage in long run.

last not the leat god forbid dont feel shy in taking medical advise if need coz it is the future of ur kid not a joke.
When a child directly defies you...

Turn them around.

Bend them over your knee.

Raise your hand up in the air.

Swing it down forcefully until your hand hits their buttocks.

If this does not work - start over.

I have 5 kids. 5! You only need to spank a few times when they directly defy you and you'll never need to again.
You need to be firm with her, and never, ever let her get away with that. Talk to her pediatrician, she may need some kind of play therapy to learn how to not be so bossy. If you don't nip this in the bud now, you're going to have a much harder time as she gets older. Good luck!
teach her that your in charge and youll make the rules first give her a talk about the rules the if that doesnt work give her a warning then out her i time out then a spanking then a talk with both parents and a luxury taken away (im not a mom only an aunt)
She needs a good smack across the mouth. My mom did it. It will keep her in check. Don't feel bad about spanking her. Think about this. Wouldn't you rather teach her how to behave now, then to have the police/society teach her later?
stop paying attention to her and do when she talks to you correctly. thats what my mom would do to my brother. but if you bloat about ur attention you'll just **** her off. go to barnes n noble an buy one of them 'parenting skills' books. they shood work




Grounding does wonders. Once she realizes that you control what she does and what she doesn't do, she should start to listen(better)
Even if you cant bear it, she needs a good spanking. Show her YOU are the boss. If you let it go on she'll grow up to be bitchy
You let her know you are the mother...father?

And by the way, don't hit your kid.

These people are crazy.
don't talk to her much.
you gotta keep your pimp hand strong
a good smack on the *** will shut her up..
  • origins
  • Do I control cards in my Graveyard, Deck, and Hand? (Mtg)?

    A card says target card I control gains X, can I select a card in my Graveyard, Hand, or Deck?Do I control cards in my Graveyard, Deck, and Hand? (Mtg)?
    Cards you control are those on the battlefield, because only you can use their ability (in most cases) while it is on the battlefield, not your opponent. Your Graveyard, Hand, and Library are special zones that have cards you own, but don't control.Do I control cards in my Graveyard, Deck, and Hand? (Mtg)?
    Yeah unless it specifically states in your graveyard, hand, or deck then its only whats on the field...
    no its just whats on the field

    What song is this? - I wanna touch you but I'm trying to keep control of my hands?

    That's all I know. :D


    And also the JB song at the end of Night at The Museum 2. The title.

    THANKS. :)What song is this? - I wanna touch you but I'm trying to keep control of my hands?
    That song is JB - Fly with me

    The other song is Colby O'Donis - I wanna touch youWhat song is this? - I wanna touch you but I'm trying to keep control of my hands?
    Basically every pop punk song...
    It might be Poison by Alice Cooper.

    Middle grade schools handing out condoms and birth control pills without the parents knowledge nor consent.?

    What are your thoughts on the Principal's action. Should schools be given the these rights over the Parents consent of their own children? Explain.. I think Parents should not allow Schools to over ride their authority. The Job of the school Administration is to teach how to read and write, nothing more.Middle grade schools handing out condoms and birth control pills without the parents knowledge nor consent.?
    Sex ed is one thing; handing out birth control pills is another. I am very pro sex ed in schools, but not medicating children. Women need to go to their ob/gyn to get pills or even change pills, how can girls just get them from the school clinic?? HELL NO!

    I could understand high school for girls over 16, but middle school is really pushing it. I think the state is getting too much in the way of parenting in many aspects. We don't live in Kiputs! We live in private homes where private family decisions are made and the state shouldn't interfere! Handing out these without parental consent to children who are 11, 12, 13 yr olds is very irresponsible on their part! The school district is wrong. I am a teacher and a mom and definitely wouldn't want my daughter to get these without my consent at such a young age.Middle grade schools handing out condoms and birth control pills without the parents knowledge nor consent.?
    I agree
    I see two sides...I think that parents should have authority over their children getting those pills, birth control has a range of side effects and other risks that includes, blood clots, high blood pressure, etc. Parents should be aware.

    Even though, it is the school's job to educate, I do know for a fact that children these days kids are so infatuated and knowledgeable about sex and they usually first learn it in school. ORAL sex is very common as early as 2nd grade. I think sexual education needs to be taught in our school systems as well and parents need to be more proactive in educating their children about sex.
    i totally agree however, if you know your child and you teach your child well, she or he will not be interested in condoms or birth control. If they are not having sex and are not interested in sex they will just ignore these rights given to them so freely. Children today just need to feel its okay to be a child. Let's face it they grow up too fast!~
    I completley agree. They are there to educate. Although sex ed is a form of education, it isnt theyre call to give out these items. Parents have they're own way and timeline to speak about safe sex to theyre children. If the school wants to do something like that, in my opinion, that isnt there decision to make, they should hold a parent teacher council meeting to discuss it.
    What the h*ll i don't know where thats at ,but i'd be at the court house.
    Some children may be so lucky as to have parents who care enough about them to teach them how to control themselves; there are many children whose parents don't care two cents about them and don't teach them to control their urges and ignore them. Those children (esp girls) then start to look elsewhere for that attention, and without the love and guidance of their parents, in their minds, why not have sex? Especially when they don't know the consequences? I think sex ed is a very good thing, and that because of many irresponsible parents, our society has come to this. I do agree that the school should have to ask the parents permission first before they start handing out condoms to children.

    Personally, I do not agree with this at all. I would not want my children getting this type of information/treatment at home, that is my job to handle. HOWEVER, I am a teacher in an Urban, inner-city school system. In this city, there is an epidemic of uninvolved parents, so the school is left with the sole responsibility to ';raise'; the students. Because of this, I have am aware of 2 factors that might influence my decision for my students:

    1. What about the students without ';parents';? Most of my students do not have a traditional family unit. They have parents that are either in jail, strung out, working two to three jobs, or are completely uninvolved. These are the students that I think would benefit from this. Most of them are being raised by their siblings, raising their younger siblings or are living with friends of friends--if they have a home to go too. In our city, it is documented that we have over 2500 homeless students, most of which have gotten lost in the system or are escaping an abusive foster situation. However, if this was to take place, some sort of couseling needs to occur on behalf of the social worker, school pyschologist, etc.

    2. If we perhaps had a national health care for our children, students might be able to visit their doctors more often. Yes, we know that Planned Parenthood exists and does the same thing under the supervision of a doctor, but a lot of the students do not know about these options. And, because of this, right now--I have 6 Juniors who are pregnant or have recently given birth, and 3 sophomores who are currently pregnant. This does not include the multiple students that I have who already HAVE children. We know the students are having sex, so why not provide them with the proper tools to prevent pregnancy, STDs and HIV?

    It's a tough decision, but in my city, I think more students would benefit from this than not. However, this is a result of many other social issues that also need to be addressed. I believe the main arguement is, we are involved in our children's lives, so yes, we are upset. But what about those chidlren who aren't so lucky to have a responsible parent?
    The school can not even give an ASPIRIN to the kids, but they can do this !!!!!!????????
    The main problem with our society is that parents are not wanting to talk to their children about this issue. It is awkward and uncomfortable..... I think that we should absolutely teach abstinence...but let's face the facts--- kids are going to have sex..... so let's also teach them about protection. The problem of teen sex and teen parents goes all of the way back to the Quaker's. It is not a new issue.... not even close. I think that we all want to hope that our kids are not having sex... but don't put it past them. It is a fact of life. Don't give the permission, just teach them responsibly. If more parents opened up the topic in their homes... we might have less issues with outside influences taking the matter into their own hands. A.I.D.S is an epidemic.... 1 in 4 people age 14 -25 years of age have the virus..... just imagine if they were given condoms or at least had ';no questions'; asked access to them... would the numbers be so high????

    Take a look at your childs closest group of friends.....count it out... 1 in 4 of them could very well have the virus. It is time that we influence our children with our faith, the truth and science.

    No... I don't think it is the school's right..... but at least they are trying to do something.
    But some kids don't have their parents to teach them about sex and the diseases that accompanies it. They don't teach them about getting pregnant at such a young age and the consequences that happen.when a young girl gets pregnant. If a kid is going to have sex they're going to have sex no matter what anyone tells them so shouldn't someone educate them on it and provide condoms so they don't get pregnant and they don't catch any diseases?? My friend got pregnant at 15 and her parents where never there for her and they never told her anything about sex. She always says now that she wishes someone would have talked to her about it.

    Condoms are very expensive do you really think that a kid is going to spend what little money they have on condoms?? I don't think so. Someone should provide them with free condoms.

    Oh and by the way, the only person who can hand out birth control pills are doctors.

    Schools can't give out pills LOL. Unless they have doctors working for them which i highly doubt.
    i don't agree with this at all.

    schools should not medicate who they want, when they want. who is responsible for one or more being allergic ?

    i'm allergic to the pill.
    well they have them so if there going to do anything theyd rather them do it protected then just normaly

    Do you control life in your hands or is it a GOD thing?

    i feel like religion control your mind too much .

    I believe that their is God though and it seem to me that i dont know anything about him.

    Open minded answers. Dont just quote bible scripture or tell me God doesnt exist that not what im looking for.Do you control life in your hands or is it a GOD thing?
    I control my life to a certain point..

    I can't make something happen if it's not Gods will. But I make my own choices, and stuff like that. I'd honestly rather have God control my life.. because only God knows whats best for me. I trust him with everything. God is the only one I truly trust. I mean, he's GOD. why wouldn't I trust Him? He's God for crying out loud.. the one that created everyone, everything. the one that protects us, and loves us..

    anyway. Religion doesn't control my mind.. God doesn't even control my mind. God won't control anyones actions, anyones thoughts, he's just going to be there to help us make the right choices. God wants us to trust in Him. when I trust in God, I feel like i'm closer to Him in my life. and when He makes things work out the way that he wants, it's perfect :) because HE is perfect. Praise God :)Do you control life in your hands or is it a GOD thing?
    Anyone who gives a 'Freudian slip' that something is controlling them, it shows that THEY have no control. Just a heads up.

    Basically you are saying that you cannot control yourself and that others are trying to control you.

    You bear the responsibility of your life in your own hands. You are responsible for what you do to God.
    You are only being controlled if your practicing religion against your will. If you are choosing to practice then you choose to follow and if at any point you change your mind, then your free to stop. Your mind is your own no one can force any set of beliefs on you, no matter what the circumstance.

    %26gt;%26gt; Open minded answers. Dont just quote bible scripture or tell me God

    %26gt;%26gt; doesnt exist that not what im looking for.

    You seem to contradict yourself, you ask me to have an open mind, but I can't look to the answer outside of me, only inside! I'm sorry, to be open minded is to be open to the OTHERS mind, not MINE.

    This is a proof of openmindness to look outside of us to look to answers. So, if I understand the world by the Bible, I am more open minded than you who can only understand anything by yourself.

    If the bible is true, I am proud to shape my worldview with her: how can I be better guided than by the creator of all things ?


    Ya, Religion does tend to play a major part in people's lives but it's only the really Religious people that are controlled, i know a few laid back Religious people/believers in God and they seem pretty cool.
    The only one that can control us and not manipulate us is God. For me and those who believe that Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, we gladly surrender to Him, because He knows what is best for us. The Holy Spirit guides and directs without the human addition of mind control and manipulation. Manipulation is the world's idea of control. Love is God's idea. And He is worthy of my trust, and giving Him my life. He created me so why wouldn't He know what's best for me?
    God gives us the ability to control our lives.
    I believe that we control our own lifes but that God does have a plan for us we just dont know about it. that way our decisions are our own but one day we will learn how it was ';supposed to all work together';

    How do you control someone's hands when in guard? BJJ?

    I can't get a good grip we literally just keep going in circles.How do you control someone's hands when in guard? BJJ?
    first grab their wrists and then put your foot in their elbow joint and you will control there arms like thatHow do you control someone's hands when in guard? BJJ?
    On top or from underneath?

    On top go for the biceps or armpits,

    From underneath, hook (under or over but I prefer over) one side but try %26amp; control the head more, as it will give you more options, unless they put their hand on the mat then go for the wrist.

    Try to go for two on one if you go for the arms using them alternately to adjust the position %26amp; pin it where you want it.
    what you want to do, is use your hands or even forearms to trap their forearm against your chest, this is aptly called ';trapping'; once you have their arm pinned (and you may take a blow or two but with their arm trapped they won't be able to sit up and have power.) then you can grab their wrist easier and set up a submission..
    Wrist control is something I don't mess with. Its much more efficient to control their arms by cupping the back of their arm/elbow. Use your legs to break their posture (bring them closer to you) and grab their head and trap their arms.

    I cannot control my anger when I hear loud or unpleasant sound or visuals ?It just gets out of my hands?

    Sometimes I am extremely anxious or tensed over small things, What could be the reason?I cannot control my anger when I hear loud or unpleasant sound or visuals ?It just gets out of my hands?
    I'm the same way. My husband can just walk into the room and if I am not aware he's there and suddenly see him I react as if a murderer had just walked in. My heart starts racing I have the fight or flight reaction and when I realize it was nothing I get mad. Same thing with unexpected noises and anyone who approaches me from the back. I've mentioned it to therapists and it probably is from some kind of event I've long forgotten but I decided just to live with it. It doesn't interfere with my life and I have too many other more serious things to worry about. That's just my experience.I cannot control my anger when I hear loud or unpleasant sound or visuals ?It just gets out of my hands?
    Maybe you have something that you need to do or that you feel is bothering you on the inside. i dont me to sound like a cleche'd therapist but you might need to resolve somethings and calm down for the time being.




    Maybe stress
  • origins
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    Description includes Scitex Communication BD for G4What is the price of a used / second hand Kodakmatic 710 Offline Film Processor with G4 Control Station?
    check on ebay

    Are we puppets controlled by the hands of fate?

    Simply, do you believe in fate/destiny?Are we puppets controlled by the hands of fate?
    At one time, I did. But now come to think of it, life is what we make of it and is largely based on the decisions that we make that will ultimately decides what situation we will have put ourselves through.

    True story.

    I had a friend that passed away a few years ago leaving behind his loving wife and three young children. He didn't have to and it didn't have to happen if he would have chosen not to put himself through that sort of risk. He had a passion for riding his sport cycle, but sometimes his passion was way over his head and too much to the point where he will break the law by speeding way over the posted speed limit, and would usually leave the rest of us, his biker buddies behind.

    Sadly, he t-boned a car that pulled in front of him one evening and was instantly killed.

    The moral of the story is that he didn't have to go. It was not his fate nor his destiny, but merely his decision to be a risk-taker knowing the danger of speeding all along. He has had a few close calls in the past before the incident that led up to his death, but yet still insists on over-speeding whenever he rides his bike.

    Well, at least he died doing what he loves most. Gotta give him that much.Are we puppets controlled by the hands of fate?
    No if that was the case then why have we developed the way we have if every thing was predestined we would not need to think or do anything we could just sit still %26amp; let everything come to us.there would be no point in being here

    Can u plz answer mine =/;鈥?/a>
    Yeah something like that

    Do you feel 100% more in control when you have a ';To Do'; list in your little hand?

    if by 'to do list' you mean a .22, the answer is yes.Do you feel 100% more in control when you have a ';To Do'; list in your little hand?
    No, because if I have a list in my hand, it is not one that I have written, as I abhor the very notion of lists. Therefore, in the highly unlikely scenario of me having a list, it means someone else is controlling me.

    Which, technically, absolves me of any responsibility for my actions, whilst following it's instructions.

    It does too!Do you feel 100% more in control when you have a ';To Do'; list in your little hand?
    Indeed, TCP:

    I always feel empowered by the knowledge that - having taken steps earlier in the day to write myself a ';must do'; set of instructions - I'll be less apt to forget my duties later on when I am thoroughly pissed up.

    Of course, being blind drunk by the time I get to the supermarket, I can never read my own shopping list. However, with help from the store manager; his staff; other shoppers; plus occasionally the police too if they've been summoned to the scene, I generally manage to purchase enough cigs, booze, and cornflakes to last me till next day.

    A little bit of forethought goes a long, long way!
    I do feel more in control, but half the time, I can't read my own writing. So instead of going to the store to buy some rugs, I end up going to the whore to buy some drugs.
    My ';to do'; list has names...and I'm almost there.

    I don't have to have the list in my hand....its in my head. And besides...whenever I make a list....I forget to take it anyway.
    i do.

    and that's what makes it really suck

    when i get to the store and realize

    i set it down on the table when

    i went to pick up my keys..
    The only time I feel totally in control is when I'm doing it doggy style. Even then, I'm sure I'm doing it wrong.
    I like to crumple it into a tight wad in my big ruff hands and juggle it with the others from last week, before lighting them on fire and throwing them at people.
    Written on my hand, yes. Even then I forget to return the coffee filters to Walgreens. For the third damn time.
    No, the list laughs at me because it knows I'm just gonna sit on my butt and watch The Hills marathon on MTV!
    i wish

    I make way too many of them and they are so long that they could be considered novelettes.
    How did you know that about my hand?

    My ';To Do'; list is empty


    Why most of the people do hand practice ? is there any way to control on to that?

    What in blazes are you talking about?

    Why are we can't control our hair like others. etc hand,feet?

    bodyWhy are we can't control our hair like others. etc hand,feet?
    Hair is made of Keratin. It would need to have nerves and muscles for our brain to send signals to it.Why are we can't control our hair like others. etc hand,feet?
    caz there are no nerves and muscle in our hair

    Font size on Control panel page and ALL of the boxes on the left hand side of Folder pages is too small?

    I have increased the font size of all of my text. but the Control panel page and all of the boxes on the left hand side of Folder pages is so small. How do i increase the Text size on them only?????Font size on Control panel page and ALL of the boxes on the left hand side of Folder pages is too small?
    right click anywhere on the desktop

    go to Properties

    click on Appearance tab

    change the font size belowFont size on Control panel page and ALL of the boxes on the left hand side of Folder pages is too small?
    Under your Computer Desktop Properties, select Appearance, then you can alter the font size.

    You can also try right-clicking on the Start Menu, customize, then select to use Large Icons instead of Small Icons.
  • origins
  • My baby is 23 days old. When will it start knowing to use or have control over his hands?

    If he is a smart baby then maybe 2 or 3 days. If not maybe as long as 20-25 days. If he's retarded... maybe never depending on the severity of the intellectual deficiency.My baby is 23 days old. When will it start knowing to use or have control over his hands?
    I want to say it starts around 3 months. Their hands are small and it is hard to hold things. If you give him small infant toys that might help him learn. Don't rush him too much, they grow faster than you realize and then the baby stage is over. Good luck to you.My baby is 23 days old. When will it start knowing to use or have control over his hands?
    maybe in about a month my couzin dis that he moved his hands in a month
    if its a male, then never
    depends on your child and on how much you play with him the more you play together the sooner he will learn just remember every child is differnt

    I have a 12 week old and he just started finding his hands 2 weeks ago. It is a very slow process. At first he just clasped them together and looked at them a lot (which caused him to go cros-eyed frequently...normal). Now he brings them to his mouth to suck on his fingers...I think he is trying to find his thumb, but no luck so far. Also, just in the past couple of days he is starting to grab toys placed in his lap and bring them up to his mouth as well.
    Not for months, I don't think.

    They go through various stages or physical development.

    They cannot sit up until about 6 months (NOT SURE).

    They start to walk at about 1 year to 18 months and cannot even see properly for upto about a month.

    The brain has not developed enough for it to be properly effective in the world like an older child.

    Human beings are born before the brain is ready to work normally ';in a child sense';.

    This is because the brain is so large and has to come out because the pelvis is so small.

    It will take ages to get full developed child liek brain.


    Anything you want to know needs to be asked to a specialist or post natal type nurse/doctor.
    Usually not until the end of the 2nd month going into the 3rd month. That when the recognize them and trying to use them.
    Use of hands is considered a fine motor skill. This is a skill that is build over time and experiences. My daughter is 10 months old and is still learning. She is starting to pick up small pieces of food and put them in her mouth. Once she is about 14 months she'll probably start using a fork.

    Be patient. . . you're baby isn't even a month old. She's probably still scratching herself accidently and grabbing at nothing. If scratching is a problem (was for my girls), use the baby mitts. They can be found at almost any store that carries baby items.
    That takes a few months. Relax - babies have a lot of growing and developing to do :)
    interact with it more and it will learn faster...
    it's still a baby.. if you mean control over his/her bottle of milk.. or literally use the hand to anything.. that would be impossible.. it will take time.. say 2-3 months maybe.. as far as i can remember..
    Baby's will have random movement for a few months. I have 2 children and a good pediatrician. True control will be months away like being able to hold things, finding there hands and starting to put them in there mouth and the such will usually happen around 2 or 3 months, but control of them is still a few months after that. You can get this kind of information from your babies doctor and from a web site I have used in the past about development the site is
    Give your child time each child will learn at there own pace but to answer your question about another two months

    My hands occasionally stop working and I have no control over them. I have had no surgery on them. What is is?

    What I mean is once every 1-2 months, one of my hands will stop working and I will have to concentrate a lot harder to try to get it to move or do anything. I can't help but wonder if it is something pressing on my spine or if it is something neurological. If anyone can give me some answers, I would greatly appreciate it.My hands occasionally stop working and I have no control over them. I have had no surgery on them. What is is?
    multiple sclerosis is a disease that attacks your central nervous system. the nerves that cause your muscles to stop working and performing the right way. its a very serious disease that can lead to a complete paralyzation. i recommend seeing a doctor as soon as possible if this is as common as 1- 2 months.My hands occasionally stop working and I have no control over them. I have had no surgery on them. What is is?
    Brachial Plexus Nerve Injury causes temporary paralysis.
    major anxiety, it happened to me.

    Should we send hand written or engraved invitations to the terrorist now that the democrats have control?

    Don't worry; CNN's already taken care of that.Should we send hand written or engraved invitations to the terrorist now that the democrats have control?
    Engraved. They cost more, and if properly accounted for, tax deductable.Should we send hand written or engraved invitations to the terrorist now that the democrats have control?
    Your confused, thats what we would have done when the republicans were in control.
    What are you talking about it was your stupid *** Nazi hillbilly president that let the terrorist bomb the WTC,and didn't even get Osama!!!Are all people from Texas stupid or just you %26amp; Bush.Surely you must be from there to say something so stupid.
    I'm guessing you must have their addresses since you asked the question so you decide.
    I'm sure Bush will be glad to hand-deliver the invites himself. After all, if we're attacked by Jordan, it could be his big chance to get back by invading Portugal. Plus the only time Bush's numbers have gone up is when we're attacked. Every other time he's been on a downhill slope.

    Actually, the best thing Dems could do for the terrorists is give them a map showing there Texas is. The terrorists were a bit ignorant about where the bad guys live. They're not in the North-East.
    Still trying the ol scare tactic routine eh? Well at least you are consistent.
    wah wah wah

    send whatever you want...terrorist don't care about party affiliation and the creation of homeland security has proven to be a big inefficient system under bush that got a big fat F from the 9/11 commission. Dems wanted the commision, Bush did not. So who has our national security as a top priority? We didn't catch bin laden, there were mo WMD in Iraq, Hussein wasn't a terrorist, just a ruthless dictator, and for every innocent civilian we kill in Iraq one of their loved ones may consider becoming an insugent. So trust me...I feel alot safer now.
    No need. The elections results are invitation enough.
    Dying in Iraq is not to stop terrorism ..Halliburton can tell you
    Oh please - the president is still in control of foreign policy. And remember, terrorists killed 200 marines when Reagan was in office, blew up the Pan Am plane when Bush was in office, and attacked the WTC and Pentagon when Bush Jr was ignoring the warning signs at his acreage (not ranch) in Texas. There is no correlation between likelihood of an attack and party in power - except that Bush has enraged formerly moderate Muslims and made another attack more likely in the long run.
    Yes , We are dead. Might as well tell No. Korea and Russia too.

    At least they will nuke us so it will be quick.Wow just read answers . Shocked !!!! We are dead now.The Demo Brats will be running and hiding in holes.I am to sick to read or write.The

    invitations are out.All other Nations are breaking out the champagne,Wow no more courage or strength here.
    That is one ignorant thing to say!!! Grow up will ya? I guess WE HAVE BEEN SOOOOO MUCH SAFER UNDER THE REPUBLICANS!!! WHATEVER!!
    if america would stay out of other countries business, you wouldn';t have a reason to ask this.
    which one are you talking about? terrorist is singular, the plural is terrorists.
    They already know about it. Do you think the news will show bin laden dancing in the street?
    Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, go kiss a duck pluto........
    you are mocking the verdict of intelligent and peace loving people of the USA who voted for dems.for your information it was bush who joined with Pakistan president Musharraf who sponsored state terrorism against India .i hope the win of dems may make bush think for a while whether his brutal attack on Iraq is a blunder.
    i read some of the questions and answers and have to shake my head I know it is not possible any one believes the nonsense I'm reading This question is so stupid it really isn't worth answering.
    oh, please. rebuplicans are so set in their ways.

    there ARE democrats that aren't going to ';send hand written or engraved invitations to terrorists';. just cause someone's democrat doesnt mean they support terrorists or the war in iraq
    Would you like some cheese with all of that whine?
    Wow what a lame question.
    Neither. If you want to send a hand-written, engraved, or any other form of invitation to any terrorist, then you are clearly one to be on Bush's list of people to wiretap, under suspicion for being unpatriotic, revealing a treasonous heart.

    My impression, is you are taking it pretty hard that Republicans lost control. You may thank your Republican leaders for their stance on the issues. It seems that failed leadership has finally come to light after 6 years of Stay the Course on the tough issues.
    No, but you should sacrificed yourself for the country.

    I know smoking and birth control dont mix. what about second hand smoke?

    i'm on the birth control pill and my boyfriend smokes. is it possible for me to get the same bad side effects, like blot clots..etc...from secondhand smoke??I know smoking and birth control dont mix. what about second hand smoke?
    it is called passive smoking which is more dangerous than active smoking. advise your bf to desist from the practice of smoking as if affects your health when you are pregnant.I know smoking and birth control dont mix. what about second hand smoke?
    no, however all ppl r different but i smoked while on bc, i got no side affects but i dont suggest it i may have been lucky.. but i wouldnt think second hand could give u the risk
    Second hand smoke is just as bad for you as if you were smoking yourself.

    Ask him to smoke outside.

    Good Luck!
    my husband smokes, and i don't. I was on birth control for 4 yrs and never had any problems.

    but every situation is different. i would ask your dr. to be sure, but i have never heard any thing about it
    Yes it is just as bad. My mother smokes, and my wife who is pregnant, hates going over to my parents house, knowing she smokes. She has promised she won't smoke in the house, once the baby is born, but smoking around my pregnant wife is just as bad, as smoking around the baby if she was already born.
    If I were you I would be much more concerned with smog. The crud coming out of you car I would think would be a much bigger problem....
    smoking is not the boogy man commies would have you believe...
    Well I take birth control and I chain smoke like crazy and I've never had any problems.

    How do I control my shaky hands from anxiety???

    They get worse cause I am so anxious I cant write or smoke a cig or do anything with my hands and arms without completly shaking..I need help I take Xanax but it is not controlling it. How do I control my shaky hands from anxiety???
    You might need to try another anti anxiety medication if your symptoms aren't being controlled by the Xanax. Your doctor might want to put you on a different medication or combine it with another one. Once your anxiety is under control your hands will be better.How do I control my shaky hands from anxiety???
    If, or when you find the right medication, in sufficient strength, you will still only be treating the symptom, and will have to accept the risks, side effects, and possible withdrawal problems (as exist with Xanax: taper off slowly, with medical advice, when ready to).

    The best approach is to treat the underlying problem: anxiety is addressed in section 6 of my website, at View page N first, and learn, and employ the relaxation method which works best for you. Cutting back on the caffeine in coffee, tea, colas, etc. may help, too.
    Please take this into consideration. It worked for me, although I am not you.

    I had overwhelming anxiety. It turned out to be my use of Splenda. Yup Splenda. How could something that taste so good, be so bad?

    I like to say sucralose, not Splenda, because that is what Splenda is. And it is in a lot of stuff. Sadly, the package doesn't have to say Splenda or diet to have sucralose in it. You have to read labels. So, you might be using it and don't even know it!

    Sucralose is poison. It ruined five years of my life. I had a laundry list of medical problems while taking it, including overwhelming anxiety, depression, mood swings, insomnia, gastrointestinal issues and more.

    Go ahead, google: anxiety splenda or anxiety sucralose or insomnia splenda or insomnia sucralose

    The slogan, ';Made from sugar...'; is very misleading. Splenda might be made from sugar, but it is far from sugar. The resulting chemical is an organochloride (chlorocarbon). Organochlorides are typically poisons.

    carbon monoxide - made from oxygen so its like a breath of fresh air

    are you sure that it is just due to anxiety? i would just get my doctor to check me just in case it is something else. it could be a medical problem, it could be a side effect of your medication, or you may need a different prescription. i would get this checked- just to be safe.
    lay off of the caffein and mixxing it with nicotine makes it worse. (if you are a big caffein drinking) thas what i can see happening

    I know smoking and birth control dont mix. what about second hand smoke?

    i'm on the birth control pill and my boyfriend smokes. is it possible for me to get the same bad side effects, like blot clots..etc...from secondhand smoke??I know smoking and birth control dont mix. what about second hand smoke?
    it is called passive smoking which is more dangerous than active smoking. advise your bf to desist from the practice of smoking as if affects your health when you are pregnant.I know smoking and birth control dont mix. what about second hand smoke?
    no, however all ppl r different but i smoked while on bc, i got no side affects but i dont suggest it i may have been lucky.. but i wouldnt think second hand could give u the risk
    Second hand smoke is just as bad for you as if you were smoking yourself.

    Ask him to smoke outside.

    Good Luck!
    my husband smokes, and i don't. I was on birth control for 4 yrs and never had any problems.

    but every situation is different. i would ask your dr. to be sure, but i have never heard any thing about it
    Yes it is just as bad. My mother smokes, and my wife who is pregnant, hates going over to my parents house, knowing she smokes. She has promised she won't smoke in the house, once the baby is born, but smoking around my pregnant wife is just as bad, as smoking around the baby if she was already born.
    If I were you I would be much more concerned with smog. The crud coming out of you car I would think would be a much bigger problem....
    smoking is not the boogy man commies would have you believe...
    Well I take birth control and I chain smoke like crazy and I've never had any problems.
  • origins
  • How do I control my shaky hands from anxiety???

    They get worse cause I am so anxious I cant write or smoke a cig or do anything with my hands and arms without completly shaking..I need help I take Xanax but it is not controlling it. How do I control my shaky hands from anxiety???
    You might need to try another anti anxiety medication if your symptoms aren't being controlled by the Xanax. Your doctor might want to put you on a different medication or combine it with another one. Once your anxiety is under control your hands will be better.How do I control my shaky hands from anxiety???
    If, or when you find the right medication, in sufficient strength, you will still only be treating the symptom, and will have to accept the risks, side effects, and possible withdrawal problems (as exist with Xanax: taper off slowly, with medical advice, when ready to).

    The best approach is to treat the underlying problem: anxiety is addressed in section 6 of my website, at View page N first, and learn, and employ the relaxation method which works best for you. Cutting back on the caffeine in coffee, tea, colas, etc. may help, too.
    Please take this into consideration. It worked for me, although I am not you.

    I had overwhelming anxiety. It turned out to be my use of Splenda. Yup Splenda. How could something that taste so good, be so bad?

    I like to say sucralose, not Splenda, because that is what Splenda is. And it is in a lot of stuff. Sadly, the package doesn't have to say Splenda or diet to have sucralose in it. You have to read labels. So, you might be using it and don't even know it!

    Sucralose is poison. It ruined five years of my life. I had a laundry list of medical problems while taking it, including overwhelming anxiety, depression, mood swings, insomnia, gastrointestinal issues and more.

    Go ahead, google: anxiety splenda or anxiety sucralose or insomnia splenda or insomnia sucralose

    The slogan, ';Made from sugar...'; is very misleading. Splenda might be made from sugar, but it is far from sugar. The resulting chemical is an organochloride (chlorocarbon). Organochlorides are typically poisons.

    carbon monoxide - made from oxygen so its like a breath of fresh air

    are you sure that it is just due to anxiety? i would just get my doctor to check me just in case it is something else. it could be a medical problem, it could be a side effect of your medication, or you may need a different prescription. i would get this checked- just to be safe.
    lay off of the caffein and mixxing it with nicotine makes it worse. (if you are a big caffein drinking) thas what i can see happening

    Will Trent and Marshawn be able to control TO when things get out of hand?

    Are there ANY players in the league that could beat down TO if needed?

    Nobody on the Eagles or the Cowboys was apparently tough enough.Will Trent and Marshawn be able to control TO when things get out of hand?
    no, T.O. is a cancer.

    My 2005 corolla has cruise control but i can not use it, on the other hand i don't know is it works or not?

    On the other hand when i park my car a red light is blinking in the left side of my steering base, I don't know what is that for please give me explination

    thanksMy 2005 corolla has cruise control but i can not use it, on the other hand i don't know is it works or not?
    To use it your car has to be over a certain speed. I believe for most cars if the car is traveling over 30 or 35 mph then you can activate it. You have to first press the cruise control button to turn it on, and to let the system know your ready to set it at the desired speed, then you press the set button, then take yourr foot off the gas. It should be set at this point and will maintain that speed until its deactivated either by you turning it off with the button or if you apply the brake, it will automatically cancel. you can also decrease and increase the speed without canceling and reactivating all over agian. You just have to press the coast button to decrease it and press the accel button to increase it. Also check with your owners manual to verify, the precedure I described should be correct for most cars, but may vary depending on the type of car you have.

    Security control @ newcastle airport U.K. requires that certain items of hand luggage be contained in plastic?

    bags. could someone give me a sensible reason why?. bearing in mind that these items can easily be removed whithin metres of passing through security.Security control @ newcastle airport U.K. requires that certain items of hand luggage be contained in plastic?
    It's bonkers if there classed has dangerous they should be banned from flights.Security control @ newcastle airport U.K. requires that certain items of hand luggage be contained in plastic?
    It's so security control can SEE the liquids etc you are carrying.
    It's easier to look through a clear bag than to open it. It saves time at security control. It's not just the UK, the EU and Japan also have these rules.

    I don't know what your problem is.

    Who agrees that in 3rd world countries they should be handing out birth control along with food?

    I mean they keep on having kids over there is africa, all those places that they show on ';Feed the children'; knowing that they cannot feed one kid but keep on getting pregnant.

    Don't you think with all of the donations they get they should be giving women birth control pills or getting their tubes?Who agrees that in 3rd world countries they should be handing out birth control along with food?
    I think birth control should be handed out free in EVERY country.Who agrees that in 3rd world countries they should be handing out birth control along with food?
    i agree 100%
    I beleive women there should have ACCESS to birth control, but it's not for us to try and force them to take it, or force them to have their tubes tied. And like someone else said, here in North America, there are so many people who have babies and can't afford them, who are on welfare and keep havng more kids. I think we need to look to solve those problems in our own country before we start advising people in Africa
    Obviously, Lucy_Van, this would be a government funded service, meaning that the natives would be properly educated about the pills, and how to use them. Also, birth control pills that are out today have been formulated to be neither too strong nor too weak. We don't live in the 60s anymore.
    That is the Best Question Ive Read on Yahoo Answers.....Since I have joined 8 months ago.

    Anyone who disagrees has,ADD or fetal alcohol syndrome!
    Well there is more than meets the eye to this problem. Some of them are so uneducated they may not even know where babies come from. Also, many third world countries, mainly in South America are Catholic, and have been told birth control is wrong. Places like India, it is very important for a woman to have a boy, so if she has 5 girls, she is going to keep trying. Also, the role of women in these countries is different. If their husbands want sex, I really don't see them having much of a choice. I think giving them birth control is part of it. But we need to educate them on how to keep their population down. Educate them in general. Also, get them to see women and girl babies in a different light. That they too have rights and that their femal child is just as good as their male children and can be educated just as well. So, yes I agree, but there is more to it than just giving out the birth control.
    Hmm, if we speak of birthcontrol, they are giving out condoms in Africa, and there is big campaign to raise awareness about anticonceptive methods and also sexually transmitted diseases. I don't reallly agree on giving women pills, unless they want to use them, some people are against pills because of their secondary effects, and as for gettin their tubes, I think that's...awful. It's not like you can just go there and do that, if women agree then I think they should be given the money, doctor and sanitary preventions necessary to do it. However, I believe that birth control isn't the worst problem, HIV/AIDS is, and to stop having babies is not the solution to their hunger problem either, poverty has been aggravated mainly because a whole generation is dying of AIDS leaving their kids (sometimes infected too) and the elderly to work, thus making labour less effective and priorizing work over education in the kid's case. I think the donations that are given to Africa should, as I believe they are, focus on creating development programmes, education (including sexual education) and health.
    Unless they are free there is no way that they can afford them. Also, some religions forbid the use of them.
    Maybe, but women in the first world, here, get unwanted babies too, they should know better too eh? How many kids in schools get pregnant, those who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones.

    Here the government (welfare) pays for it .
    Yes I do; however, a lot of education is needed before many of the people would accept. Having a large family is desirable for more than one reason. Children are needed to work and help support the rest of the family.

    Once family sizes are smaller, of course, it will not take so much to feed and support them. It may take a long time, but eventually people will be more welcoming of birth control.
    Really we shouldn't have to worry about this issue here in the united states. However since our government, charties, welfare programs, federal aid grants, etc feel the need to pay for their mistakes then yes. Drop bags full of a years supply from planes 24/7. It would be awful to think we let a child starve when we could have helped but if there were no kids being born then where's the issue. Yes!!!!!
    Yes we should stop all them foriegners from having babies and they should only be allowed to have babies if they are from here. OK lets think about this. The amount of children a woman has is directly related to the amout of education and opportunities she has. The more education a woman has, the less babies she will have. I think our primary goal shoul be to promote equality and education for all. As far as birth control, I also think that should be available to everyone regardless of where they live. Also realize that in some countries, more babies means a more secure future so passing out birth control is only part of the solution and will not be used by everyone. The best rule is if your not ready to have a baby, dont have sex.
    Overpopulation is indeed one of the world's major problems. The Chinese are only ones who seem concerned enuff to limit reproduction in their population. Of course, the European population is declining (Birth rates in the indigenous Europeans are less than the death rates) while the Muslim population in their countries is exploding (no pun intended) from immigration and flagrant reproduction. If people don't wake up and do something soon, we will all be standing on each other's shoulders.
    There are special organizations to feed the kids and there are others that do go over there and run clinics and hand out birth control, the only problem is that many people are unaware of this availiability
    give me a break and people here in USA have babies and go on welfare so what's the difference?
    who cares about 3rd world countries! we have that problem here!
    Maybe we should teach them how to control the number of children they have, teach them how to make a living, and then offer the birth control. But be careful here--these are people that have as much right to a family and happiness as you do. They happen to have the unfortunate lot in life of being born in an area where they didn't have much of a chance. I think education is the key with them. We have to help them help themselves. But just because we have better luck and more money doesn't mean we have the right to tell them how to live.
    I am in total agreement with you,I can not imagine if it were me why in the world that I would bring a little innocent, unsuspecting baby into a life of pure destruction and evil
    Yes, they should hand it out to those who want it. But in Africa birth control is very taboo and can get women beaten in public and worse.
    4 real. i totally agree with u. it's one thing 2 have a baby and depend on other ppl 4 everything but 2 keep on having more. yea i kno wat u mean
    Men should be given condoms and taught how to USE them
    Sure, right along with education and job opportunities and the right to vote so that they can have a say in their futures and the right to be recognized as persons under the law. None of which seem to apply right now. Maybe if they had some education and were treated with dignity they could have some self-respect and know that there's more to life than being raped and pillaged and owned by men and breeding.
    yes absalutley pharmacutical companys give out billions in drugs, pens paper calculaters coffe mugs note pads soap %26amp;dispensers calenders flashlights lazer pointers and on and on and on just spend ten pecent on birth control and it would make a huge difference
    or perhaps educating these people?
    I thought you were pro-choice? Anyways, maybe some of those women want to have more children. In a lot of those countries, more children means more bringing in income. It sounds sad but it's the truth. Even if we sent money for birth control or tubals, a lot of women wouldn't take either.
    So, who becomes liable if someone has a reaction to the birth control, if the birth control is too strong for an individual, if the birth control is too weak, if they don't read or cannot read the directions on the package, if they think its food, if they think that it also is suppose to stop the contraction of STDs, who is going to pay for the tubal ligation's %26amp; medication %26amp; follow ups, who says that its the females that need to be sterilized, are you going to set an example?

    In answer to your additional comment...they are not all dying..and those that are, are not all dying because of their population (although, population is a problem in some areas...even in the US). Economics and political agenda have a great amount to do with starvation. And, quick fixes are often falible, which in turn produce issues and problems that are far worse than the original problem.

    In response to Lunesca...Show me a government funded service that has been 100% successful in properly educating 3rd world populations....usually governments have to have the money to do such a thing...we are talking about 3rd world are going to be asking other countries or even businesses to take on the responsibility of this issue. One example of a poorly conducted educational and product pushing endeavor is Nestle and baby formula...thousands of babies died from that fiasco. Look it up. And, in regard to bith control...the pills are different strengths today...they are not a one fits all formula...maybe you should check with your OBGYN. My point with this before was that you CANT JUST HAND DEPROVERA out like candy--without having to know what the individual is like!!! The one fits all formula WAS in the 60s...maybe you should read up on current medical breakthroughs, yourself.
    Great idea!!! The only problem with this is the difference in culture. Alot of those people think that we give them poison. Sometimes we do....

    Left side of brain controls right side of body, so are left handed people the only ones in their right mind?

    Bingo. Also, FYI, the dominant side of the brain (let's say the person's right handed, so the right side of the brain) is the creative side and the other side stores and retrieves the memory. So if you ever watch someone's eyes as they're telling you a story, look for that. When they look at their dominant side, they're lying and making that stuff up.Left side of brain controls right side of body, so are left handed people the only ones in their right mind?
    They say a good way to integrate right brain/left brain interaction is to cross something. Crossed legs, crossed arms.

    What about people that are ambidextrous?Left side of brain controls right side of body, so are left handed people the only ones in their right mind?
    There are VERY few questions that make me laugh, but yours surely did. I am right handed and my wife is left handed. Given that, I would say that left handed people ARE the only ones in their right mind!! I KNOW I am crazy!! She is normal!!

    haha....saw that on a t-shirt......good one.
    I too am left-handed, and it is true! Lefties do it right!
    ha ha ha that wasnt funny
  • origins
  • Do Americans think Gun control is a steady hand ??

    Don't start me off!

    you know what happens when you start talking about Americans?Do Americans think Gun control is a steady hand ??
    lol...I know I do !!Do Americans think Gun control is a steady hand ??
    Idaho Mike: Have you seen the gun murder rates in your country? In Britain it still makes front page news when someone here get's shot, as we aren't aloud to have them. Why don't you check out our murder rates, which do you think is the better solution? In America to make the front page news you have to be a serial killer with a new and interesting way of wearing your victims head as a hat!!!
    you bet!!! Use both hands for better results.
    Oh man that is good i love it. and to some americans YEAH, but they just don't have it in them to respect the results of unrestricted gun use
    Chris Rock said it best. Guns don't kill anyone. Its bullet control u need! Sell them at $500 a bullett see how trigger happy people are. See how much u really wanna shoot someone - work two jobs, cut out luxuries, save up... thats a real 'cooling off' period..
    No u can not control from guns but control by hearts of people,o.k. luv is the key of contol.
    A cool head and a steady hand....... A people who are denied the ability to defend themselves are called slaves...
    I personally think being able to follow a target with a steady hand is better then what Sarah Brady calls herself.


    My SKS, 12 ga Mossberg, H%26amp;R 30.06 AR15,Walther P22 and S%26amp;W99 have killed less people then Teddy Kennedy's car. But they do burn up the prairie dogs, coyotes, deer, and paper
    I can't speak for every one but i believe gun control is hitting your target one shot one hit one Kill
    Nothing wrong with guns, so long as the bad guys get shot.[CE]
    gun control is like speech control-unconstitutional
    funny...but so true
    No way, we have the right to bear arms and I will no matter what.
    Gun control does not work in Canada and criminals have more guns then ever. Canadians can't own firearms without filling in tons of paperwork and costing you fortunate and you have no right of any kind . On top of it all , it cost Canada goverment billions dollars which in turn is taxpayers money .
    i wish that was all there was to our gun laws, but unfortunately, such is not the case. there are many laws passed under the guise of gun control that are at best silly and at worst, quite dangerous. our constitution calls for the right to keep and bear arms, however, there is nothing preventing an abundance of legislation surrounding those rights. take for an example the recently deceased ';assault weapons ban';, signed into law by former president clinton, and blessedly allowed to expire by the current president bush. most people aren't even aware of the fact that there is no class of firearm called ';assault weapons';, rather many separate characteristics and qualities of many different firearms were hand-picked to be included in this ban. things like pistol grips on non-pistols, and the ability to be shot in a fully-automatic capacity were selected to be banned, supposedly to decrease crime rates, which, coincidentally, dropped by i think at least twenty-some percent only AFTER the ban was allowed to expire. the ban itself saw no decrease whatsoever in any rate of crime, because crimes, for the most part, were not being committed by the types of weapons that were banned. but people liked the sound of banning ';assault weapons';, especially with catch phrases like ';drive-by shooting'; being so popular when it was originally enacted. that's what happens when people who don't know about guns create gun laws. that is an example of the sillier side of our gun laws. things like not being allowed to carry a legally concealed weapon into places where violent crime is most likely to occur, like banks, courtrooms, and schools, show the more dangerous side to gun legislation. bad people are going to find a way to get guns into places like that, but the upright citizens have to hand theirs over at the door, because to break even one small part of the laws regarding carrying a firearm means to forever lose the right to do so again, at least legally. we are stuck. how do we protect ourselves when our protection is routinely being forced to be left behind? ';the police!'; is most non-carrying folks' answer. ';let the police protect you.'; to them i say this: the police are not required by law to protect you. it's true--look it up. if a cop sees a situation happening or about to happen, and he decides, for any number of legal reasons at his disposal, not to interfere, then you are left to protect yourself. but i digress. a steady hand is about the only gun legislation the true citizens of this country need, but with all the anti-gun cry-babies that pass for such a great number of the adult population here, we are for now saddled with way more laws pertaining to gun ownership than could ever be necessary.

    Did the Naive American Tribes find out first hand what can happen when there is no control of immigration?

    I'm part Native American - does this mean I can tell you to leave?

    Didn't think so.Did the Naive American Tribes find out first hand what can happen when there is no control of immigration?
    Yes they did. Good point!Did the Naive American Tribes find out first hand what can happen when there is no control of immigration?
    And all politicians talk about learning lessons. ha ha
    BUDDY! you said a mouth full of truth with this question. It's just like all the stories coming out about the mexican gangs and the mexican mafia taking over the small towns around the USA. Won't be long till they will be taking over the cities too (well, the gangs already are). and the repubs have been in total power the past 6 years and done not one thing to stop or slow down illegals.
    Mexicans there too?
    Yes, we sure did! But you know such an idea would never have occurred to us! We had no idea of what a white man was like, We only found out too late!

    I am hopeful that this is not going to happen to us with the Illegals crossing the border %26amp; some in government wanting to give them amnesty! We now have over 300 million people in this country, don't you feel a bit crowded?

    Oh, for the good old days, no white men, no illegals! oops! I am also part white, forgot that! Then, just no more illegals!
    What an interesting idea!!

    They would certainly have been better off if they'd killed all the immigrants as they got off the boats.
    They sure did.

    Do you think it's OK for middle school's to hand out condom's and the birth control to pre-teen's?

    or do you think it should be up to their parent's?Do you think it's OK for middle school's to hand out condom's and the birth control to pre-teen's?
    It goes both ways for me. On one hand, you wouldn't what to promote teenage sex, you wouldn't want the condoms to be the reason that they do choose to have sex. However, in many cases, they're going to have sex anyway. There is a rise in teenage pregnancies and many schools do have an abstinence-only focused sex education. In this type of system, if the teens choose to have sex, they know nothing of how to obtain or use contraceptives.

    Of course, we don't want teens having sex and are seeing a growing problem that is rising out of teen sex. Unfortunately, teens are having sex and there seems to be little our education system can do to promote abstinence. If they're going to have sex, then they should have these things given to them or be told how to obtain them so that they don't either get pregnant or spread diseases.Do you think it's OK for middle school's to hand out condom's and the birth control to pre-teen's?
    I have to question the effectiveness of doing so. Unwed and teen pregnancies are still on the rise.
    I think access to condoms is important, but handing out prescription medication could be dangerous. Without knowing what other meds these girls are on, how can you safely give them a prescription? What if they have a medical condition?

    Also, birth control does not work if you are taking certain kinds of antibiotics and does not prevent STDs. Do the girls given it understand this? Are they more likely to undertake risky sexual behaviors because they believe they believe their will be no consequences?

    Having access to condoms, is important. Kids maybe to embarrassed to buy them. Preventing the spread of STDs is so important.

    But birth control handed out middle school is a bad idea.
    I think it's okay if it's coupled with sex education. I think parents should be given a heads up and give permission before. I also think it's really sad that we have to be in this situation. And a note to Jamelia... we know our kids are growing up. The thing is, these kids need to realize that they're growing up too fast. Yes, their bodies are ready for sex, but their minds and emotions are not. Kids, don't fool yourself...
    Often times the parent is in denial about it. How many parents want to think of their 12-yr old, ';baby-girl'; having sex? As much as I don't think the school should be responsible for 'parenting' kids, there is a need for it because not all parents can parent.

    I think the school should provide education as well as birth control. I don't think that the accessibility of birth control necessarily translates into incresed sexual activity. My parents put me on birth control before the idea of sex came up, birth control can reduce acne and helps alleviate brutal cramps. Just because I was on birthcontrol at a young age didn't mean that I was having sex.

    I'm glad the school does hand out forms of birthcontrol, it's much better to get the kids comfortable with using these things so they don't end up pregnant until they're ready.
    Well personally my 12 year old is not going to be out with a boy or anywhere that the oppurtunity to have sex comes up, so that isn't going to be an issue.

    At 12, kids should be supervised and no allowed to date.

    Bring on the tumbs down.

    I have not problem with sex ed and all, but if they are giving out the pill, the girls need to have a pap smear and all done. Plus they need to be made aware that even with perfect use there is a chance of pregnancy.

    I personally think parents of kids this age need to watch them more.
    CRAZY, man!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    i mean adolescent education's one thing but this is crazy, riddiculous. parents need to choose their schools sory but this is something totally new. im from a conservative society and such things are taboo. preteens dont know what sex is. so im kinda shocked to know that around other parts of the world, this is no big deal.
    Yes and no. Yes because that way the students know about protection. Also no because then the students think that since they have the protection then they can have sex
    In the last question about this topic, I objected to giving out birth control pills to girls without the proper medical examination (PAP smears, etc.) I also objected because this age group cannot be trusted to take the pill regularly and it may give them a false sense of security. I have no problems with them giving out condoms as long as they instruct them on how to use them properly. If used improperly, condoms are not at all reliable. I strongly object to 12 year olds having sex, but people who pretend that they're not are called grandparents, so I'd err on the side of reality.
    Yes with parental consent. I think that it would be great because it teaches the children to have safe sex. And kids today are having sex younger and younger.
    Hmm double edged sword there, I appreciate them having access to protection to keep down disease or unplanned pregnancy's but still at the same time I don't know how I'd feel about my child going out getting condoms and having sex..ugh!!
    I don't think it's right. We're supposed to be teaching abstinence to our kids, and middle schools are handing out condoms and BCPs to our kids. What's that teaching them? ';Go ahead and do it, just protect yourself. Who cares what you could be doing to your body, it feels good';? It's irresponsible, that's what it is.
    NOT OK. It is up to parents!
    yes i do. Even if the children arnt doing anything,it lets them know that if anything were to happen, they have protection.
    its another way that our society is trying to take all the paranting rights and blame the parants when their chid goes wrong HELL NO! i didn't think its right for anyone to make that decision or another concerning the personal life of my child happy paranting
    No I don't! That is puting a stamp of approval on pre_marital sex. I do think it is up to the parents but as a parent I don't think parents should provide those either!
    it is good, because they do it all the time.
    no but honestly its better to teach them ta have safe sex then to come up pregnant or a father
    Its a bit hypocritical. If they are offering kids condoms, they obviously don't expect them to be used as waler bombs. It is as goodi as telling a child 'hey, it's ok for you to be shagging at somethingteen!'

    On the other hand, if it stops a 13year old getting pregnant, then it serves a purpose.

    It just changes the question from 'is it a good idea to...?' to 'is if worse for ......?'

    Its telling them to have sex but protected!

    Sex ed. should be taught in 6th grade like in england and children should be trusted!
    Condoms... yes.! The age of consent is different in every state but typically it's 14. No hospital/doctor/counselor in the country can treat a child under this age without their parents consent. I dont see how schools can get around this issue. Birthcontrol can have some serious and fatal side effects and interactions with other drugs (adderall, stratera, depression medications etc.) that these kids may be on. Not only that, but we don't know the effects of long-term use of birthcontrol. I started using birthcontrol at 18 and I had some serious side-effects including an inability to get pregnant after 4-5 years off the stuff and I was only on it for 2 years! The only major problem with condoms is 1% of the population has a latex allergy. Unless they're 14... the parents have the say in medication.
    I think that since they are available to everyone at the school but not forced upon the students, it becomes the student's responsibility to use the items if they are in such a situation. If a middle school child is having sex, they should be given the tools they need to stay safe. In many cases they won't tell their parents because they don't think the parents will approve. So how are the parents to know that it is time to give their child the tools to protect themselves. Because it is all voluntary (both the receiving of the items and the sex) I think the school should provide the items.
    No I do not think it is OK for schools to hand out birth control to any student regardless of their age. This type of action is only telling our youth that sex and immorality is OK at any age. And that it is OK to do what you see and hear is being done by your elders. Sex is meant to be an exception of love Not lust and young people are Not able to emotionally tell the difference.
    In most situations I would say no but it really does depend on the level of parental influence and involvement in the kids.

    The parents should be censured more than the school.
    It is not their business. that is up to the parents.

    Why do conspiracy theorists belive israel had a hand in 9/11 and that they control the U.S. media?

    Because that's what the voices in their heads told them, via reception of the voices through their tin-foil hats.Why do conspiracy theorists belive israel had a hand in 9/11 and that they control the U.S. media?
    Well, our misguided support of Israel is a major contributer to the Islamic's world hating of us. And you know that stereotype that Jews control the media...?Why do conspiracy theorists belive israel had a hand in 9/11 and that they control the U.S. media?
    Most of the members of the 9/11 Truth movement are very reasonable people with reasonable questions. What you allege is untrue. It is a straw man argument. The media is autonomous but it is influenced by commerical interests of major multinational corporations.

    The only thing that I claim is that WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 were planned demolitions using high explosives. This would lead people to believe that it was an inside job. I think it is unreasonable to believe the conspiracy theory promoted by the 9/11 Commission report.

    Is there any way to control the swelling in my feet and hands?

    I just not noticed that they are getting swollen. Is there any way to slow it down? Any advice would help. And please no stupid answers.Is there any way to control the swelling in my feet and hands?
    How far are you? Is it major swelling?

    When mine started swelling it was because my BP went up and I was ordered on bed rest. After a few days on bed rest I had lost 10 pounds of water weight from all my swelling. Try taking it easy and lay on your left side. You can also limit your intake of sodium, since it helps retain water. You might get to your doctor because the swelling can be a sign of pre-eclampsia.Is there any way to control the swelling in my feet and hands?
    you can help relieve some of the swelling by laying on your left side. A certain amount of swelling is normal, but call your doctor if you notice swelling in your face or puffiness around your eyes, more than slight swelling of your hands, or excessive or sudden swelling of your feet or ankles. This could be a sign of preeclampsia, a serious condition.

    Also call your doctor if you notice that one leg is significantly more swollen than the other, especially if you have any pain or tenderness in your calf or thigh.

    Try elevating your legs, dont cross your legs when you sit, stretch when possible, drink lots of water, and avoid junk food..

    hope this helps, good luck.
    Drink lots of water. As crazy as it sounds, staying hydrated can help with the swelling.

    If the swelling is sudden and really bad, call your doctor to have your blood pressure checked.
    u need to be on bed rest or try to stay of ur feet as much a u can other wise fluid will keep building up in ur feet
    i have the same problem

    Hi,iam 30 male.i hav a prob.that my rod is ready 4sex every,how can i control this?never hand shake?

    I am sure that it is...NHi,iam 30 male.i hav a prob.that my rod is ready 4sex every,how can i control this?never hand shake?
    30 still never used it, go %26amp; find some one
  • origins
  • Do you think the government should let our middle school's hand out condom's an birth control to pre-teen's.

    Do you think the government should let our middle school's hand out condom's an birth control to pre-teen's.

    I think it should be the parent's choice an not the school's...

    all the school's are doing is saying to our children is ';Don't have sex'; But then again ';here's a rubber an birth control an have fun..Do you think the government should let our middle school's hand out condom's an birth control to pre-teen's.
    I think birth control should be available. They have already decided to have sex. Birth control should be there.Do you think the government should let our middle school's hand out condom's an birth control to pre-teen's.
    from what I have heard in the media, there's no connection between the availability of birth control and the increase in sexual behavior in these age groups...what is increasing is sex without the availability. so my answer is YES!
    I think condoms are fine to hand out. They lower the chances of a person contracting an STD in addition to being birth control. I don't agree with giving preteens birth control pills. Preteens have a mind of their own. If they have decided they want to have sex they'll do it, even if it is not in a safe way. I'd rather they are told the risks and ways to lessen the risks by any mature, responsible adult so they take the appropriate measures. You can't force a preteen to consult with their parents, even though that would be ideal. A parent should be concerned about their child being safe in whatever decision they make, even if it is not a decision with which they would agree.

    Just because the school is giving out condoms doesn't mean a person is going to have sex. They gave them out when I was in school and none of my friends took the school up on it. We all remained virgins into adulthood (20s). Our parents instilled a good value system in us at home, as well as talking to us about uncomfortable topics, which we took with us into the community. Parents who make this kind of an effort can trust their children to make the right decisions when they are not around.

    And a note to the person who wondered who would pay for the condoms being distributed...isn't it cheaper for us as taxpayers to pay for condoms than to help support a young mother and baby on welfare/medicaid?
    not in middle school but in high school birth control should be handed out. middle school is way to extreme.
    yes they should if parents wont take the time to educate there kids and tell them this is how you protect yourself who esle is going to teach them there friends kids are having sex at a younger age now so why not have the school had out condoms and birth control i rather my kid have and know what it for then come home telling me there having a baby or have an STD
    I don't think it's the Schools place to give it out.And Who would pay for it? Another expense for tax payers.I think that they should be taught about birth control at school.They can go to the store and purchase their on.
    yes i do because kids thees days are so much different fro me back when no matter how well you have raised them they are going to be pure pressure and there friends are going to influence them so much that it would be safer for them . all so even if the child didn't get influenced easal it would still be better on a girl if she was on birth controll for regular and lighter period's and you never no when someone could try to hurt her she wouldn't have to worry about getting pregnant its all scary and disgusting to think about but its a different world out there for are kids and i would rather take all the safe ways i can and the schools are not just saying here go have sex there telling them the right things there just trying to help other kids who parent don't care
    Hopefully parents are in good communication with their children and know what is going on in their life. But this is not always the case. Be vigilant and protective of your children, but let the schools help take care of the kids who's parents don't care, or can't get through to them. The kids who are going to have sex will have sex no matter what the schools teach, so I think it is okay that the schools are helping to protect these kids.

    My girls are still babies, and I hope that when they grow up we will be close enough to talk about these matters together, but if they won't talk to me and come to me for advice, I am glad that the schools will help.

    If they are going to do it, I would rather them be having sex protected from disease, than having sex with nothing.

    My 2002 cheverolet trail blazer head lights are linked to the hand brake, how can i control them manually ?

    links would be great...

    thxMy 2002 cheverolet trail blazer head lights are linked to the hand brake, how can i control them manually ?
    on,off switchMy 2002 cheverolet trail blazer head lights are linked to the hand brake, how can i control them manually ?
    Dont you mean the Daytime Running Lights? They can be disabled by pressing the dome lamp overide switch three times real fast. Do the same to turn them back on.
    check in that little book in the glove box OWNER'S MANUAL it just amazing the amout of information that is in it.

    How to reduce or CONTROL swollen feet and hands on a pregnant woman?

    i am 6 months pregnant and i have swollen feet and hands. if i sit for long my feet start to get chubby-like and my shoes start to feel tight. also in the morning or when i write, the joints on my fingers start to hurt and its hard to move without feeling that sore sensation . how to reduce or control these symptons??How to reduce or CONTROL swollen feet and hands on a pregnant woman?
    Eat foods with low sodium,drink lots of water,(we tend to absorb sodium wich makes us retain water) and lay down and elevate your feet.

    Sometimes we just can't help it.

    But if you notice dramatic swelling, discuss it with your OBGYN/ Doctor.

    It could be something serious like i had

    (HELPP syndrome..or something else)How to reduce or CONTROL swollen feet and hands on a pregnant woman?
    you got alot of water and fluid in you.don't eat salt ,,it makes you retain the water,be sure to tell your doctor,,you can get that poisoning thing while your pregnant,,be sure and call him,he may give you a water pill..wish you luck honey..
    When you are lying down, try lying on your side. But, if you haven't already done so, check with your midwife or doctor - severe swelling can be a symptom of pre-eclampsia - my sister had it and her feet swelled so much that her toes didn't touch the ground when she was standing.
    First of all, call your doctor...

    Then, lay off the salt, sugar and the over-processed carbs. Drink at least 64 oz of water. Elevate your feet when you sit.
    stop eating salt

    and stop drinking soda

    drink more water,

    go see your doctor