Friday, May 14, 2010

Who agrees that in 3rd world countries they should be handing out birth control along with food?

I mean they keep on having kids over there is africa, all those places that they show on ';Feed the children'; knowing that they cannot feed one kid but keep on getting pregnant.

Don't you think with all of the donations they get they should be giving women birth control pills or getting their tubes?Who agrees that in 3rd world countries they should be handing out birth control along with food?
I think birth control should be handed out free in EVERY country.Who agrees that in 3rd world countries they should be handing out birth control along with food?
i agree 100%
I beleive women there should have ACCESS to birth control, but it's not for us to try and force them to take it, or force them to have their tubes tied. And like someone else said, here in North America, there are so many people who have babies and can't afford them, who are on welfare and keep havng more kids. I think we need to look to solve those problems in our own country before we start advising people in Africa
Obviously, Lucy_Van, this would be a government funded service, meaning that the natives would be properly educated about the pills, and how to use them. Also, birth control pills that are out today have been formulated to be neither too strong nor too weak. We don't live in the 60s anymore.
That is the Best Question Ive Read on Yahoo Answers.....Since I have joined 8 months ago.

Anyone who disagrees has,ADD or fetal alcohol syndrome!
Well there is more than meets the eye to this problem. Some of them are so uneducated they may not even know where babies come from. Also, many third world countries, mainly in South America are Catholic, and have been told birth control is wrong. Places like India, it is very important for a woman to have a boy, so if she has 5 girls, she is going to keep trying. Also, the role of women in these countries is different. If their husbands want sex, I really don't see them having much of a choice. I think giving them birth control is part of it. But we need to educate them on how to keep their population down. Educate them in general. Also, get them to see women and girl babies in a different light. That they too have rights and that their femal child is just as good as their male children and can be educated just as well. So, yes I agree, but there is more to it than just giving out the birth control.
Hmm, if we speak of birthcontrol, they are giving out condoms in Africa, and there is big campaign to raise awareness about anticonceptive methods and also sexually transmitted diseases. I don't reallly agree on giving women pills, unless they want to use them, some people are against pills because of their secondary effects, and as for gettin their tubes, I think that's...awful. It's not like you can just go there and do that, if women agree then I think they should be given the money, doctor and sanitary preventions necessary to do it. However, I believe that birth control isn't the worst problem, HIV/AIDS is, and to stop having babies is not the solution to their hunger problem either, poverty has been aggravated mainly because a whole generation is dying of AIDS leaving their kids (sometimes infected too) and the elderly to work, thus making labour less effective and priorizing work over education in the kid's case. I think the donations that are given to Africa should, as I believe they are, focus on creating development programmes, education (including sexual education) and health.
Unless they are free there is no way that they can afford them. Also, some religions forbid the use of them.
Maybe, but women in the first world, here, get unwanted babies too, they should know better too eh? How many kids in schools get pregnant, those who live in glass houses, shouldn't throw stones.

Here the government (welfare) pays for it .
Yes I do; however, a lot of education is needed before many of the people would accept. Having a large family is desirable for more than one reason. Children are needed to work and help support the rest of the family.

Once family sizes are smaller, of course, it will not take so much to feed and support them. It may take a long time, but eventually people will be more welcoming of birth control.
Really we shouldn't have to worry about this issue here in the united states. However since our government, charties, welfare programs, federal aid grants, etc feel the need to pay for their mistakes then yes. Drop bags full of a years supply from planes 24/7. It would be awful to think we let a child starve when we could have helped but if there were no kids being born then where's the issue. Yes!!!!!
Yes we should stop all them foriegners from having babies and they should only be allowed to have babies if they are from here. OK lets think about this. The amount of children a woman has is directly related to the amout of education and opportunities she has. The more education a woman has, the less babies she will have. I think our primary goal shoul be to promote equality and education for all. As far as birth control, I also think that should be available to everyone regardless of where they live. Also realize that in some countries, more babies means a more secure future so passing out birth control is only part of the solution and will not be used by everyone. The best rule is if your not ready to have a baby, dont have sex.
Overpopulation is indeed one of the world's major problems. The Chinese are only ones who seem concerned enuff to limit reproduction in their population. Of course, the European population is declining (Birth rates in the indigenous Europeans are less than the death rates) while the Muslim population in their countries is exploding (no pun intended) from immigration and flagrant reproduction. If people don't wake up and do something soon, we will all be standing on each other's shoulders.
There are special organizations to feed the kids and there are others that do go over there and run clinics and hand out birth control, the only problem is that many people are unaware of this availiability
give me a break and people here in USA have babies and go on welfare so what's the difference?
who cares about 3rd world countries! we have that problem here!
Maybe we should teach them how to control the number of children they have, teach them how to make a living, and then offer the birth control. But be careful here--these are people that have as much right to a family and happiness as you do. They happen to have the unfortunate lot in life of being born in an area where they didn't have much of a chance. I think education is the key with them. We have to help them help themselves. But just because we have better luck and more money doesn't mean we have the right to tell them how to live.
I am in total agreement with you,I can not imagine if it were me why in the world that I would bring a little innocent, unsuspecting baby into a life of pure destruction and evil
Yes, they should hand it out to those who want it. But in Africa birth control is very taboo and can get women beaten in public and worse.
4 real. i totally agree with u. it's one thing 2 have a baby and depend on other ppl 4 everything but 2 keep on having more. yea i kno wat u mean
Men should be given condoms and taught how to USE them
Sure, right along with education and job opportunities and the right to vote so that they can have a say in their futures and the right to be recognized as persons under the law. None of which seem to apply right now. Maybe if they had some education and were treated with dignity they could have some self-respect and know that there's more to life than being raped and pillaged and owned by men and breeding.
yes absalutley pharmacutical companys give out billions in drugs, pens paper calculaters coffe mugs note pads soap %26amp;dispensers calenders flashlights lazer pointers and on and on and on just spend ten pecent on birth control and it would make a huge difference
or perhaps educating these people?
I thought you were pro-choice? Anyways, maybe some of those women want to have more children. In a lot of those countries, more children means more bringing in income. It sounds sad but it's the truth. Even if we sent money for birth control or tubals, a lot of women wouldn't take either.
So, who becomes liable if someone has a reaction to the birth control, if the birth control is too strong for an individual, if the birth control is too weak, if they don't read or cannot read the directions on the package, if they think its food, if they think that it also is suppose to stop the contraction of STDs, who is going to pay for the tubal ligation's %26amp; medication %26amp; follow ups, who says that its the females that need to be sterilized, are you going to set an example?

In answer to your additional comment...they are not all dying..and those that are, are not all dying because of their population (although, population is a problem in some areas...even in the US). Economics and political agenda have a great amount to do with starvation. And, quick fixes are often falible, which in turn produce issues and problems that are far worse than the original problem.

In response to Lunesca...Show me a government funded service that has been 100% successful in properly educating 3rd world populations....usually governments have to have the money to do such a thing...we are talking about 3rd world are going to be asking other countries or even businesses to take on the responsibility of this issue. One example of a poorly conducted educational and product pushing endeavor is Nestle and baby formula...thousands of babies died from that fiasco. Look it up. And, in regard to bith control...the pills are different strengths today...they are not a one fits all formula...maybe you should check with your OBGYN. My point with this before was that you CANT JUST HAND DEPROVERA out like candy--without having to know what the individual is like!!! The one fits all formula WAS in the 60s...maybe you should read up on current medical breakthroughs, yourself.
Great idea!!! The only problem with this is the difference in culture. Alot of those people think that we give them poison. Sometimes we do....

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