Friday, May 14, 2010

My hands occasionally stop working and I have no control over them. I have had no surgery on them. What is is?

What I mean is once every 1-2 months, one of my hands will stop working and I will have to concentrate a lot harder to try to get it to move or do anything. I can't help but wonder if it is something pressing on my spine or if it is something neurological. If anyone can give me some answers, I would greatly appreciate it.My hands occasionally stop working and I have no control over them. I have had no surgery on them. What is is?
multiple sclerosis is a disease that attacks your central nervous system. the nerves that cause your muscles to stop working and performing the right way. its a very serious disease that can lead to a complete paralyzation. i recommend seeing a doctor as soon as possible if this is as common as 1- 2 months.My hands occasionally stop working and I have no control over them. I have had no surgery on them. What is is?
Brachial Plexus Nerve Injury causes temporary paralysis.
major anxiety, it happened to me.

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