Friday, May 14, 2010

Middle grade schools handing out condoms and birth control pills without the parents knowledge nor consent.?

What are your thoughts on the Principal's action. Should schools be given the these rights over the Parents consent of their own children? Explain.. I think Parents should not allow Schools to over ride their authority. The Job of the school Administration is to teach how to read and write, nothing more.Middle grade schools handing out condoms and birth control pills without the parents knowledge nor consent.?
Sex ed is one thing; handing out birth control pills is another. I am very pro sex ed in schools, but not medicating children. Women need to go to their ob/gyn to get pills or even change pills, how can girls just get them from the school clinic?? HELL NO!

I could understand high school for girls over 16, but middle school is really pushing it. I think the state is getting too much in the way of parenting in many aspects. We don't live in Kiputs! We live in private homes where private family decisions are made and the state shouldn't interfere! Handing out these without parental consent to children who are 11, 12, 13 yr olds is very irresponsible on their part! The school district is wrong. I am a teacher and a mom and definitely wouldn't want my daughter to get these without my consent at such a young age.Middle grade schools handing out condoms and birth control pills without the parents knowledge nor consent.?
I agree
I see two sides...I think that parents should have authority over their children getting those pills, birth control has a range of side effects and other risks that includes, blood clots, high blood pressure, etc. Parents should be aware.

Even though, it is the school's job to educate, I do know for a fact that children these days kids are so infatuated and knowledgeable about sex and they usually first learn it in school. ORAL sex is very common as early as 2nd grade. I think sexual education needs to be taught in our school systems as well and parents need to be more proactive in educating their children about sex.
i totally agree however, if you know your child and you teach your child well, she or he will not be interested in condoms or birth control. If they are not having sex and are not interested in sex they will just ignore these rights given to them so freely. Children today just need to feel its okay to be a child. Let's face it they grow up too fast!~
I completley agree. They are there to educate. Although sex ed is a form of education, it isnt theyre call to give out these items. Parents have they're own way and timeline to speak about safe sex to theyre children. If the school wants to do something like that, in my opinion, that isnt there decision to make, they should hold a parent teacher council meeting to discuss it.
What the h*ll i don't know where thats at ,but i'd be at the court house.
Some children may be so lucky as to have parents who care enough about them to teach them how to control themselves; there are many children whose parents don't care two cents about them and don't teach them to control their urges and ignore them. Those children (esp girls) then start to look elsewhere for that attention, and without the love and guidance of their parents, in their minds, why not have sex? Especially when they don't know the consequences? I think sex ed is a very good thing, and that because of many irresponsible parents, our society has come to this. I do agree that the school should have to ask the parents permission first before they start handing out condoms to children.

Personally, I do not agree with this at all. I would not want my children getting this type of information/treatment at home, that is my job to handle. HOWEVER, I am a teacher in an Urban, inner-city school system. In this city, there is an epidemic of uninvolved parents, so the school is left with the sole responsibility to ';raise'; the students. Because of this, I have am aware of 2 factors that might influence my decision for my students:

1. What about the students without ';parents';? Most of my students do not have a traditional family unit. They have parents that are either in jail, strung out, working two to three jobs, or are completely uninvolved. These are the students that I think would benefit from this. Most of them are being raised by their siblings, raising their younger siblings or are living with friends of friends--if they have a home to go too. In our city, it is documented that we have over 2500 homeless students, most of which have gotten lost in the system or are escaping an abusive foster situation. However, if this was to take place, some sort of couseling needs to occur on behalf of the social worker, school pyschologist, etc.

2. If we perhaps had a national health care for our children, students might be able to visit their doctors more often. Yes, we know that Planned Parenthood exists and does the same thing under the supervision of a doctor, but a lot of the students do not know about these options. And, because of this, right now--I have 6 Juniors who are pregnant or have recently given birth, and 3 sophomores who are currently pregnant. This does not include the multiple students that I have who already HAVE children. We know the students are having sex, so why not provide them with the proper tools to prevent pregnancy, STDs and HIV?

It's a tough decision, but in my city, I think more students would benefit from this than not. However, this is a result of many other social issues that also need to be addressed. I believe the main arguement is, we are involved in our children's lives, so yes, we are upset. But what about those chidlren who aren't so lucky to have a responsible parent?
The school can not even give an ASPIRIN to the kids, but they can do this !!!!!!????????
The main problem with our society is that parents are not wanting to talk to their children about this issue. It is awkward and uncomfortable..... I think that we should absolutely teach abstinence...but let's face the facts--- kids are going to have sex..... so let's also teach them about protection. The problem of teen sex and teen parents goes all of the way back to the Quaker's. It is not a new issue.... not even close. I think that we all want to hope that our kids are not having sex... but don't put it past them. It is a fact of life. Don't give the permission, just teach them responsibly. If more parents opened up the topic in their homes... we might have less issues with outside influences taking the matter into their own hands. A.I.D.S is an epidemic.... 1 in 4 people age 14 -25 years of age have the virus..... just imagine if they were given condoms or at least had ';no questions'; asked access to them... would the numbers be so high????

Take a look at your childs closest group of friends.....count it out... 1 in 4 of them could very well have the virus. It is time that we influence our children with our faith, the truth and science.

No... I don't think it is the school's right..... but at least they are trying to do something.
But some kids don't have their parents to teach them about sex and the diseases that accompanies it. They don't teach them about getting pregnant at such a young age and the consequences that happen.when a young girl gets pregnant. If a kid is going to have sex they're going to have sex no matter what anyone tells them so shouldn't someone educate them on it and provide condoms so they don't get pregnant and they don't catch any diseases?? My friend got pregnant at 15 and her parents where never there for her and they never told her anything about sex. She always says now that she wishes someone would have talked to her about it.

Condoms are very expensive do you really think that a kid is going to spend what little money they have on condoms?? I don't think so. Someone should provide them with free condoms.

Oh and by the way, the only person who can hand out birth control pills are doctors.

Schools can't give out pills LOL. Unless they have doctors working for them which i highly doubt.
i don't agree with this at all.

schools should not medicate who they want, when they want. who is responsible for one or more being allergic ?

i'm allergic to the pill.
well they have them so if there going to do anything theyd rather them do it protected then just normaly

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